From a CNA wrap up about the Pope’s sermon for Palm Sunday with my emphases:
During his homily, the Holy Father emphasized that being Christian means “considering the way of Jesus Christ as the just way for being men – as that way that leads to the goal, to a fully realized and true humanity."
As Jesus walked up to Jerusalem, so we too walk up towards Heaven, "the new City of God," said the Holy Father. It is Jesus who leads us towards the heavens, towards “what is great, pure, he leads us towards the healthy air of the heights: towards the life according to the truth; towards courage that does not let itself be intimidated by the chattering of the dominant opinions; towards the patience that supports and sustains others."
He leads us to assist the abandoned and suffering, to be faithful and to kindness that is unfailing even when met with ingratitude, said the Pope. "He leads us towards love… towards God."
We walk and we are also carried, added the Pope. Jesus “pulls and sustains us" when we accept that we cannot do it alone. "The humility of ‘being with’ is essential for the ascent."
Benedict XVI said that another part of the "ascent" is the Cross. As "great results cannot be achieved without renunciation and hard exercise… [likewise] the way towards life, towards the realization of our humanity is tied to the communion with Him who went up to the height of God by way of the Cross."
The Cross, he explained, is “the expression of what love means: only he who loses himself, finds himself."
I was able to watch this tonight on EWTN…very moving.
A great way to begin Holy Week…in union with our Holy Father who is showing us “the way”.
FR. Z.;
I went to see The Passion of Christ this Sunday , Palm Sunday at a local theater with a large screen. We have Mel’s DVD but since it’s lent I thought the this would be more realistic, it was! Granted there is much poetic licence taken in the movie but it does give you a feel for Holy Week.
Before I got up this morning I watched the Holy Father’s Palm Sunday’s Mass on EWTN; beautiful. I was viewing the rerun tonight as I clicked the links on this blog and I found that abomination from LA, dear God what does that have to do with Calvary? Those watching the Pope’s Holy Sacrifice of the Mass were taken back to Golgotha; “…towards courage that does not let itself be intimidated by the chattering of the dominant opinions….on the way to the City of God”….
Where were those Bishops, Priests, Deacons with wives, dancers, etc. at the conference taken? I think Hell. God knows complaining to the Bishops will do no good, they were there! Where is Rome on this travesty? Dear Lord how much longer?
Tom Lanter
idatom: I’m not Fr. Z., nor would I ever think to answer for him.
I just think this: its another ‘religion,’ pure and simple.
This has no semblance to Holy Mass according to the norms of the Church, the norms of the GIRM according to Pope Paul VI, in its Third Edition (2002).
I hope and pray these videos are brought to the attention of proper authorities in Rome and whomever is appointed the new Archbishop there will deal with these liturgical atrocities.
As I said, this is another religion.
When you have prayer services or para-liturgical services, there is a certain room for freedom, as long as it does not stray from Catholic faith and practice.
But with the Sacred Liturgy, the Holy Sacrifice, there are definitive and clear norms; when these are not respected and followed, it is an act of disobedience.
Amen to what the Holy Father said!
There’s a photo on the New Liturgical Movement blog that shows the Holy Father standing in front of the obelisk that is in St. Peter’s Square. The words on the base said it all: “Christus Vincit, Christus Regnant, Christus Imperat’.
Take that, NYSlimes and your other secularist rags!