Prayer before connecting to the internet – UPDATE! – New language

A long time ago now, I wrote a prayer for people to use before they got online and used the internet. Originally in Latin, it has been translated into many languages (sometimes more than once).

I often forget to pray before using the internet. I often fail in charity when using it. This tool of social communication and research and entertainment has amazing upsides and spiritually deadly perils. We all should be very careful in how we use it – and through – use each other, “use” in the finer sense of “treat”.

It has been a while since I have received a new language version (I think the last was Hungarian). Today I found a new one in my email box.


Molitev pred prijavo na internet:
Vsemogočni in večni Bog,
ki nas je ustvaril v tvoje slike
in ukazal, naj nam da iščejo po tem, ko vse, kar je dobro, resnično in lepo, še posebej v božanski osebi Vaš edinorojenega Sina, našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa, dodelitvi sredstev, smo Vaši, prosim, da, na priprošnjo sveti Izidor, škof in dokter, v času našega potovanja prek interneta bomo neposredno naše roke in oči, samo tisti, ki je prijeten za tebe
in zdravljenje z ljubeznijo in potrpežljivostjo vse tiste duše, katere smo naleteli.
Po Kristusu, našem Gospodu. Amen.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Ben Yanke says:

    Can you post the link to the rest of the prayers in different languages?

  2. Alex S. says:

    B. Y. : There is a link at the bottom of the blog. (

  3. Phil_NL says:

    By the way Father, looking at that page, soemthing struck me. While the Dutch translation is absolute mint – wouldn’t change a thing – the title above it is a bit off. It says ‘NEERLANDISCH’, while the noun denoting the language in Dutch is ‘Nederlands’.

  4. pogacnikr says:

    Wow, my language! I`m quite proud to see it here!

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