Learning Latin responses for the TLM

Every once in a while I get a request to record the Latin responses for the TLM so that people who want to serve Mass can learn them more easily.

A friend sent me a link to online recordings made in the 1950’s!


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. kallman says:

    Father this is very interesting historically but at a practical level I suggest the following if you are perhaps unaware of it:


    I have managed to memorise most of the Mass for recitation from this resource

  2. momoften says:

    Actually Angelus Press has a CD and a very nice reprint of a booklet serving at the altar. Very reasonable. The booklet is a reprint of the same one my dad used to learn the responses as a boy.
    This website is nicer because you can slow it down or speed it up according to learning and keep replaying sections easily to memorize. It takes it apart response by response. Probably the nicest for a young boy who doesn’t have bigger brothers to help him learn, or a community just starting out.

  3. Andrew says:

    It might also be very useful to get acquainted with the basics of Latin pronunciation.


  4. leonugent2005 says:

    I tried to learn them by listening at the mass but they are said in such a hushed and mumbled way I gave up.

  5. Father.Ted says:

    Yeah, you’re right!

    Audacity is great for making your own recordings! Download it for free at Audacity

  6. Moneo92 says:

    I was able to learn all the responses through the online media at http://sanctamissa.org/ The Canons Regular, in addition to the webpage, have also created great DVDs.

  7. TheAcolyte says:

    Unfortunately, the server’s responses (and even the priest’s – which are rather compressed) on the linked recording (as well as the one cited above offered via Angelus Press) are very muddled, lack proper annunciation and more importantly, *many, many* words are mispronounced (while the serving instructions on the cited CD have incorrect rubrical instructions).

    Romanitas Press (www.romanitaspress.com) sells a great training card for learning the responses “more romano” and pointing out some common mistakes made by English speakers. The website also offers free serving notes.

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