2012 About.com Awards: We are the winner, in the best blog category

Many thank to all of you who voted for this blog in the About.com awards. We prevailed in the Best Catholic Blog category. I am also glad that so many other good blogs and sites and publications were highlighted during the time of the voting. Everyone wins when we use well the new media.

I am grateful for your continuing support.

During the contest, I was glad to get to know the blog Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction.

I am also impressed at the fact that the readers over there use their social media sharing buttons to great effect! Perhaps you readers here might… how to put it… take a hint?

The other blogs in our category are already, I am sure, known to you.

Best Catholic Blog Results:

  • Fr. Z’s Blog: 57 percent
  • Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction: 26 percent (visit blog)
  • Catholic and Enjoying It!: 7 percent (visit blog)
  • Conversion Diary: 5 percent (visit blog)
  • Catholic Fire: 1 percent (visit blog)

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
This entry was posted in Brick by Brick, Just Too Cool, Lighter fare, Non Nobis and Te Deum, The Campus Telephone Pole and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.


  1. Velle Mere says:

    Certainly well deserved!

  2. iPadre says:


  3. Choirmaster says:

    I am so sorry, Father, but I detest the social media, and am not a part of it. If I were I would use the buttons, I swear!

  4. wanda says:

    Congratulations, Fr. Z.! We knew it all along. (btw, I don’t use the tweets and fb, etc., if I did I would share your posts more. But, I share them now by forwarding or recommending a visit to your place.

  5. Sissy says:

    Congratulations! This blog is my own personal RCIA class; I’m very grateful for a sound source of orthodox teaching. Many thanks!

  6. SKAY says:

    Congratulations, Father!!! I agree with Wanda. We knew it all along
    I’m sorry–I don’t so social media either. I just pass things on the old fashoned way.

  7. Vincenzo says:


  8. acardnal says:

    “Tibi gratulationes facio” . . . . I hope that is correct. Just a novice. ;-)

  9. akp1 says:

    Congratulations! Well deserved. In fact my 3 home pages are wdtprs; rc spiritual direction and the hermeneutic of continuity!

  10. AnAmericanMother says:

    Congratulations. Like Secretariat, you led out of the starting gate for the entire mile and a quarter, and won going away by six lengths.

  11. Bea says:

    Yeah! I knew it! How could it be otherwise.
    God Bless you, Father. Ad Multis anos.
    (Correct Latin?)

  12. benedetta says:

    Great news!

  13. Centristian says:


    Did you watch the music video dedicated to you at “Catholic and Enjoying it”?


    I was in hysterics.

  14. Centristian: Does he still have a blog?

    Oh! YES! Right… ehem…

  15. Centristian says:

    Ha!!! I love it when Christians are evil to each other. ;^)

    Playfully speaking, of course.

  16. The great Vincenzo, posted this:

    Do buy his Pius Clocks! I have one and I love it!

  17. Centristian says:

    Yo, Adrienne…I’m waiting for Pope John XXIV to be elected so I can order his military time clock.

  18. Stu says:

    Thank you, Father, for continuing to provide the best Catholic blog both in content and just as important, tone.

    You remain in my prayers.

  19. ContraMundum says:


    I’m going to go out on a limb and speculate that we won’t live to see the following names used by Popes again in our lifetimes:
    Pius — that would be seen as painting him into a traditionalist corner
    John — that would be seen as painting him into a “Spirit of Vatican II” corner
    John Paul — why invite unfavorable comparisons with this popular Pope?

  20. Centristian says:


    “John Paul — why invite unfavorable comparisons with this popular Pope?”

    And also it was cute to hear him say, in his Slavic accent, “John Paul 2…he loves you!” Let’s face it, “John Paul 3…he loveth Thee,” just hasn’t got the same cuteness factor about it all.

    It won’t be Gregory XVII, that’s too…Palmarian. Clement XV? Too calm. How about Leo XIV? Well, you definitely can’t make a clock out of it, but it sounds kind of cool. I still think it’s funny that we had a Pope Mark. But only one. Like the popes that followed him all said, “Mark II? Nnnnnnnnnn….no; that’s just…no…that makes me sound like a Lincoln coupe. I’m sticking with Innocent.”

  21. justanothercatholic says:

    It certainly deserves it.

  22. Clinton R. says:

    Congrats Father! And thank you for having this blog to teach us and guide us and look out for the well being of our souls. May God Blessings be with you!

  23. Phil_NL says:

    Congratulations, Father!

  24. irishgirl says:

    Congrats, Father Z!
    Hey Vincenzo! Love your “Rocky” pic! Perfect!
    I don’t ‘do’ Facebook or Twitter, either. Afraid I’d get someone on there who will end up stalking me….like my twin sister, who told me she had a Facebook account. No thanks!

  25. I sure do hope people will use those buttons. It really helps with traffic.

  26. Tominellay says:

    Good for you, Fr. Z!!

  27. Laura98 says:

    Congratulations Fr. Z.!!! Though I have to admit to visiting some of the other sites too…

  28. poohbear says:


    Maybe we need a poll about who uses social media and which one(s)?

  29. acardnal says:

    yes, how about a poll on who uses social media? that would give you some idea how many of your readers are using FB, Twitter, etc.

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