All across the nation today there have been Pro-Liberty Rallies.
Post a report!
UPDATE 24 March:
I have liked Star Parker for a long time. She spoke at a Pr0-Freedom Rally in D.C. yesterday.
Alas, there is a guy who laughs once in a while who reminds me of the old adage risus abundant in ore stultorum. But that takes nothing away from the content of Parker’s talk.
I also saw her in a talking head box on FNC across from Juan Williams on the matter of the double-standard the left applies when it comes to slurs against conservative women or black people. She and Juan were almost into a call-response thing by the end of the segment. She got him all fired up. She fires up this crows in the video too.
As she describes Pres. Obama’s attack on the Catholic Church:
Bow your knee.
Pay a fine.
Leave the business.
Good or evil… life or death.
Attended the rally at HHS Headquarters in Washington. DC. I guess 2,000 or so in attendance (We need millions). The MC (Presbyterian Minister) very good. Excellent keynote speech by Star Parker. Shamefully, no one from the Chancery there. The only Archdiocese of Washington cleric who spoke was Fr. Marcel Guarnizo, who was also suppose to lead the rosary after the event (I had to leave). Saw several priest and clerics there. All in all, a good event. We need more to demonstrate. The American Papist has a picture of the event.
Here’s my report:
It rained for most of the time and people came and went. However, the total was somewhere around 3,000. We heard at the rally that only 900 showed up in NYC. It was one of the most calm and collected rallies which I have attended.
@Jim of Bowie: Wow! Fr. Guarnizo was there and spoke and no other cleric spoke. Veeerrryyy interesting. . . .
My report can be read at It sounds like those of us in Omaha had a better turnout per capita than other cities.
Suzanne Carl
A fairly good showing in Miami on a hot day in front of the courthouse with numerous clerics. Among the speakers Father Alfred Cioffi, a moral theologian and geneticist, addressed the assembly. I spotted some TV cameramen in the crowd. Let’s hope the message gets out.
It rained at the State Capitol in Atlanta. The (I guess) West Lawn was filled with some overflow of folks onto the street, but I don’t think there was more than a few hundred folks there. Like the above poster said, it was an extremely calm and collected rally. The speakers basically made the case that religious freedom is an unalienable right, and it seemed basically assumed (without argument) by everyone in the crowd and speaking that the HHS mandate was a violation of our religious rights.
I came a little late and missed our auxiliary bishop speaking. I did see several speakers, including one State Legislator, who were Knights of Columbus (of which I am also a member). The Greek Orthodox metropolitan (I think) gave the closing prayer. (The etmropolitan’s presence makes me pray even harder for unity with the Eastern “lung” of the Church.)
If this is as mad as hell as we can get, then the left is probably laughing at us.
Michael Val
(who is kind of glad that it was a calm, collected rally, which demonstrates that reason is our way, not emotion like the enemy’s)
Phoenix, HOT, sunny, lots of cheering, clapping, very enthusiastic!! I can’t count heads in a crowd — 300, maybe? Maybe 30 young priests were there. Both our Phoenix bishops spoke, as did one black and one white evangelical preacher, two politicians (good guys), Fr. Lankeit of our cathedral (the famous one with the boys-only altar servers) and a couple of pro-life local leaders. Started promptly at noon and closed just before 1:00, when everybody ran for shade. Broad range of ages, from very small children to us gray-heads. In Phoenix, attendees will be evident from smiling, sunburned faces!
Just returned from the rally in San Diego. I heard reports of over 2000 people there. That was second or third hand so it may well have been less, but it was packed. So many ages represented, from the babies in mothers’s arms, to the homeschooling kids, teenagers, and elderly. The speakers were excellent and I know everyone in San Diego is fired up for this fight. Thanks for all the sign suggestions yesterday. I am the reader who requested them.
Here in St. Louis we only had about 80-100 people (we have our big rally in Jefferson City on March 27th). I took the kids. We had some nuns, but no priests that I could see. It was mostly moms with kids, elderly, and some college-aged kids. While I was disappointed with the turnout, I think perhaps our organizers were not very tech-savvy and had no Facebook or social media outreach. The part that really bothered me was not seeing any priests. We did have three cop cars, a paddy-wagon and a Nuisance Control police van show up, but no arrests were made and the weather was good. What really surprised me was the reaction of the people driving by us. Having done some pro-life protesting, I was ready to be cussed at and flicked off, but people were either indifferent or completely supportive.
I attended the rally in Madison, WI at the Federal District Courthouse with Bishop Robert Morlino who gave an excellent, characteristically well-reasoned, and satisfying talk which made all the right points and particularly he wanted to emphasize that a distinction needs to be made between the religious liberty issue and the issue of contraception, they are separate issues even though the present crisis certainly provides an opportunity to speak the truth about contraception. I appreciated that because with pro life groups organizing these rallies I was concerned that the religious freedom issue might seem a pretense to have a pro-life rally, and the First Amendment issue might quite wrongly appear secondary. But that was not how this turned out, at least it was not how I perceived it. Bishop Morlino’s good comments helped.
Fr John Sasse and Fr Rick Heilman also spoke, the latter also led part of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, as well as lay folks from Pro-Life Wisconsin (the organizer) and the organizer of Vigil For Life, I think she was the one who led us in singing America the Beautiful (including the verse about “confirm thy soul in self control, thy liberty in law”) and The Battle Hymn of the Republic (it is weird singing Glory Glory Halleluya on a Friday in Lent but great song). They had not done a huge media push to invite people to the rally, but the turnout was very good (hundreds), with many homemade signs, and a great deal of enthusiastic loud clapping and cheering. There were MANY Catholic clergy in attendance. There were also a fair number of little children. There was someone filming the event, I think probably with Pro-Life Wisconsin. There were several reporters and photographers in attendance though I did not notice news cameras, I was interviewed by a newspaper reporter.
Also, Fr Heilman mentioned having read Fr Zuhlsdorf’s blog post of Bp Morlino’s Lartare Sunday Homily!
I was at the one at Dallas City Hall.
No official Catholic presence. :-(
Hard to judge the size but OK turnout I guess given that we all have jobs & responsibilities.
The most riveting speaker to me was Pastor Stephen Broden, who is quite an interesting fellow.
The nice priest at St. Jude’s chapel down town was kind enough to hear my confession afterwards – so a great day all around. :-)
Was at the one in New Haven. Local newspaper estimated us at 150–maybe an overestimate. Several suits from the KofC headquarters joined, helping to distinguish us from the Occupy the Green folks across the street.
Speakers had a hard time staying on track. Complaints addressed more than what we had ostensibly come together to address, risking the alienation of non-Catholics and liberals unnecessarily. Organizers should have done a better job keeping speakers focused. After all, one could be all for contraception but think that the HHS decision is misguided. No reason that such people shouldn’t feel welcome at the rally.
I posted this earlier on the “signage” page re the Atlanta rally:
We’ve been led since the “Days of Rage” to believe that you’re not really protesting unless you burn a few police cars, trash the place, and break a few heads. The media and the politicians had better pay attention – when the ordinary folks get out and protest, albeit politely, it means something.
Interesting sidelight . . . five or six raucous characters wandered down the sidewalk shouting at the top of their lungs and waving signs. We thought they might be counter-protesters, but one of our number detached himself and strolled down to check them out. They were protesting something completely unrelated (still not sure what). He invited them to stop interrupting the speakers, and they left quite peaceably.
(It was funny that five or six dishevelled hippie-radical types made more noise than a couple hundred well behaved mostly Catholics.)
Hi chantgirl! I was at the St Louis rally also. At one point the organizers said they counted us at 150. I left at 12:45 to get back to work, so missed the police! I would also like to know why no priests were there, but as you said it may be lack of publicity for this one since the main rally is next week. I didn’t see any media presence either. I’m just glad it was held over lunch hour so I could be there, since I won’t be able to make next week’s trip to Jefferson City.
Elizabeth R- the police didn’t show up until just before 1:00. Patrol cars don’t bother me, but I don’t see why a paddy-wagon or a Nuisance Control van were needed unless they were anticipating arresting someone.
Sorry, I don’t have any photos. But at the Fed. Bldg. here:, save a broad area for the entry walk, and some areas bordering the front of the building, the entire courtyard was packed! (300?…500?) And the sidewalks along the street. St. Agnes took three buses, Maternity of Mary one, the St. Paul Cathedral, a central shuttle spot, had three at a time, and many other churches. The Bishop from Winona spoke, as did Teresa Collett, who just pounded on the ‘hhs’. There were children all about, from infants on up, many of these waving their ‘Religious Freedom’ signs at passing cars. (Very busy intersection.) My wife and I had our “Jesus, I Trust in You” poster, and we saw Our Lady of Guadalupe, American flags, one Gadsen flag, many home made signs. The crowd sang a great Star Spangled Banner, at the end of which, in the silent pause, someone yelled out, “Viva, Christo Rey!” The lone DHS ‘gentleman’ decked out in full black DHS battle rattle chuckled when I said, “I think you are overdressed.” No disruptions. No crazies. Many priests, hooray!! A sister from Agnes, hooray!!! We were sorry not to have seen the excellent chef many of us read about here. Heh. We are winning! “IHS”
Oh, not forgetting several of the Franciscan Brothers of Peace.
San Fran. Couldn’t even guess the number– not a huge turnout, though. Plaza was pretty full, but we certainly weren’t packed in like sardines. If anyone is better at this kinds of things, you can pull up Google Maps to 7th & Mission in San Francisco, and zoom into see the plaza we were in. Again, I’d say we filled the plaza, or close to it, but not super-densely. Nothing like the normal turnout for the Walk for Life, which is always on a Saturday, of course. Grand total of 8 counter-protesters, none of them transvestite nuns, thankfully.
Speakers varied. Bishop Cordileone, Dolores Meehan, Bill May, all Catholic, and all hit the right notes in terms of emphasizing the religious freedom aspect of all this. Some speakers were a bit shakier– a lovely Jamaican woman started out strong, but then started trying to explain how the Amish and MUSLIMS (urban legend as far as I know) are exempt from Obamacare and how buried somewhere in the text of the bill is the requirement that we all get chips implanted. Yeah. Others varied– some of the Protestants struck me as a little too “Jesusy” and I fear would have provided perfect soundbites and quotes for any reporters in attendance who had a template to fill in about protesters seeking to impose a theocracy on the nation. Others of them were fine and really seemed pleased that this was a point where people of all faiths could work together for the betterment of our nation.
There you have it. My civic participation for the day…
Looks like around 300 people showed up here in B’ham Alabama which is pretty good considering it was pouring down rain earlier this morning. This link has video of Bishop Robert Baker speaking at the rally.
Also, ignore the comments on there the media around here has no problem with anti Catholic related comments on their website.
Greenville, South Carolina… a crowd of maybe 300 and you could tell we were just a few miles from Bob Jones University. I was disappointed at first when I did not see any Catholic clerics (although I think a deacon may have been there) but after the “can I get an amen?!!” preaching started I was glad they were not associated. I just held my rosary and tried to wear a smile as it was proclaimed that the King James Version was the true word of God. Coming together and just praying for an hour or so is a foreign concept to protestants. There was a good number of Catholics there (definitely disproportionate to our percentage of the population in SC). The Catholic nurse that followed all the “get saved” preaching however was great. She spoke on the importance of well formed conscience and the freedom to act according to it. Pray God that this exposure to solid moral teaching and Catholic doctrine will give all in attendance something to think about.
Another report, all three major local news stations covered our rally on the evening news. My son was seen on KETV and WOWT, my nephew had a nice close-up with one of our signs on KMTV. All in all, a great day. My brother did the counting math, 30 to 40 people wide and 40-50 people deep, so about 1500 to 2000 in Omaha. God bless Archbishop Lucas, Father Cook, and all of the organizers. -Suzanne Carl
I was at the rally in downtown New Orleans. I would estimate about 200 people. The location was outside the Federal Building on a very busy street corner, which hopefully helped to make the event visible to many passers-by. The speakers were fairly low-key but very well-informed and accurate about the subject. The crowd was mostly Catholics–the rally captains were Catholic laity, there were several diocesan priests present, some Dominican sisters (fairly sure from the Nashville Dominicans, who staff some schools in New Orleans), I saw some men who appeared to be in Dominican habits, at least two groups of students (in uniform) from Catholic girls high schools, several families with young children (probably some home schoolers), a few people with large banners and flags, a few men from the American TFP, and various other people. The location was just a few blocks from St. Patrick’s Church, and many people I spoke to had just come from the 11:30 Mass there. Unfortunately, there did not seem to be much of a presence from news media, although I heard that a reporter from the local newspaper had been there. Not an earthshaking event, but generally a very well-behaved and civilized rally to help bring some attention to the cause of religious liberty.
I was at the Hartford, Connecticut rally. Got lost in Hartford (easy to do) and wandered for awhile until ten minutes before. Phew. I was disappointed with the turnout, but the spot that was selected was pretty poor, although I’m sure there were considerations of nearby buildings. (courthouse, etc.) I would estimate two to three hundred, but in all fairness, I couldn’t see much. I ended up at the edge of the road, not able to hear much at all of the speaker’s comments. I just yahooed when everybody else did. The Family Institute of Connecticut (a GREAT organization) was there, represented by the excellent Peter Wolfgang, and I want to say Joe Scheidler was the guest speaker? He is a major pro-life head, and I wish I had heard some of what he said. Truthfully I have double ear infections and felt lousy, could hardly hear anything what with the traffic and all. I agree with the comment someone here made, if this is as good as it gets, ruh roh. Then again, for a Friday, maybe it’s not too bad.
I must say, tangential to the day, I had an absolute blast with our seminarians, who showed up in DROVES! We had many priests, and religious, and that was awesome! I have the most terrific pictures of the awesome time we had “holding the line” at the curb (the only place we could fit) and trying to get passersby to smile, give thumbs up, wave, and many, many did. It was wonderful, and I made some great seminarian friends! The future is in good hands, I think, as far as our future religious. Very, very promising.
We had so much fun, since we could only stand at the curbside, that the sweet Grandma standing near us giving out rosaries had to give us a “correction” because people couldn’t hear the speaker. But we were trying to do our part too! I never want to look like a “crank for Jesus”. We were photographed and filmed many times, but, no news outlet in Connecticut put anything on this afternoon’s news that I saw. I expect tomorrow to read about the collection of “religious nuts” who gathered.
I could not believe, actually I could, that USA Today’s only mention of anything closely related to the rallies was the article “Obamacare continues to be demonized”. Good choice of words actually. Ah, the media. I’m sorry, but what toadies.
My sign said “Give me religious liberty, or give me a new president!” and at the bottom it said November 2012, change we can believe in!”. People loved it. It ain’t Shakespeare, but I wrote it as I was about to run to the rally.
God bless!
I attended the San Francisco rally today in the plaza in front of the aggressively ugly Federal Building on 7th Street. At the height of attendance (about 15 minutes in) I did an informal count of the crowd and estimate there were about 500 people there. Local Catholic clergy were well represented. I saw one Franciscan friar in his habit and about seven Dominican friars in full black-and-white regalia, the majority of whom appeared to be in the 20’s. Clearly, they’re not have a vocations crisis. There were a few religious sisters in habit, some Catholic school children in uniform and the rest were laity.
The media were not obviously present. Channel 7 had a truck there when we arrived at 11:40 am but it left before the rally started. There were still photographers there as well. I saw no other people who could be media.
There were some counter-protesters, less than 10 of them, all appearing to be aging hippies plus one large black man dressed in outrageous drag. They had two large orange “pro-choice” signs which they tried to move close to the speaker’s platform to dominate the scene. Then some rally attendees came to the rescue and moved their signs to cover up the orange ones. It was amusing to see first a poster of the Sacred Heart of Jesus cover up a part, followed by a banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe, etc. The police then came in and told the counter-protesters to move to the sidewalk where they soon started to chant loudly. Rally attendees on the periphery then started to sing “Immaculate Mary,” which discouraged the counter-protesters. Otherwise, they were ignored until the end when the MC thanked them for attending and thanked the police for doing such a good job. The crowd then laughed and applauded. The counter-protesters seemed to fade out at that point.
I think it’s impressive that this first rally was organized in about a month and with virtually no money. The number of cities participating was also impressive: 141. However, I agree that to get any attention, the numbers of attendees are going to have to be a lot larger. Of course, the West Coast March for Life regularly has about 40,000 attendees, but they are ignored anyway.
The organizers said today that they plan more of these rallies in the months to come, but they need money.
Actually my sign is a clever deception. ;-) I said give me liberty or give me a new president, but I actually wan’t BOTH. I am faking them out. hehe.
I attended the one in Germantown, MD. There had been an announcement that it had been cancelled but others stepped forward to sponsor and coordinate it. My visual guestimate is we had about 100 people. There was a young man counting, but I forgot to ask him his count. We met in front of the county building that has the HHS department.
We had 1000 in attendance and beautiful weather:
Phoenix – A couple of friends of mine attended, and reported about 1,000 attendees, as well as (to verify a post above) about 30 priests and both of our bishops.
I didn’t have a rally near me, but God bless everyone who was able to attend. It’s really nice seeing the pictures.
Report from the Belleville IL diocese.
PS. Belleville was not on the list of official rallies. I bet many dioceses and small towns had their own events as well. Our Cathedral rector and diocesan pro-life director planned this in about a week’s time. Good on them!
I drove nearly 3 hours to St. Paul, MN for the rally. They had a very large showing. On the news they said there were 2,200 people there. It was well organized and many bus loads of people came. Bishop Quinn from Winona spoke as did a local Baptist minister and a few others as well . I saw a number of priests(some in cassocks!) and several sisters in full habits. It was a friendly rally with no troublemakers, lots of families and beautiful weather. I’m glad I made the trip.I just wish my home state of Iowa would get with the program!
I’d guesstimate about 400-500 people showed up in downtown Houston for the rally, not bad.
This was one of the more clever signs seen in Columbus.
Hope it makes it on WDTPRS
I was at the San Diego rally up until about 12:30. A somewhat boisterous crowd but well-behaved. Kristen’s estimate of 2000 seems high to me. I would have placed the crowd at under 500 while I was there and maybe closer to 300. Our new coadjutor Bishop Flores gave the first speech. Banners and posters out a-plenty. My favorite was the cub scout holding a large Vatican flag near Bishop Flores while he spoke. The interesting thing was that nearby Lindbergh Field had the active runway going East, so every three minutes the speeches would be interrupted by a jet on climb out. Usually the active runway goes west. Almost always, in fact. Sheer coincidence, I’m sure.
Come to think of it, the runway then was Ad Orientem. As it should be.
Never mind.
Yes, what Mom2301 said. Not my guess of 300-500, but several thousand.
I also attended the rally in Washington, DC. It was well attended, right on the plaza in front of Sebelius’ building. Lila Rose of Live Action & Kristin Hawkins of Students for Life were fantastic. Star Parker who gave the keynote was fabulous! I am hoping there will be a video available online to watch and listen to her speech! Father Marcel Guarnizo was thought provoking as usual. It was an honor to have him there. He led all the Catholics in the rosary afterward. We brought the fight right to Sebelius — it was thrilling. People started chanting, “we will not comply” — loudly. I hope she heard us.
Just found the video online of Star Parker’s amazing speech at the DC Rally yesterday.
So many good lines to remember! Here’s one of them:
In November we have two choices: Good or Evil, Life or Death!
The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that the attendance was a little over 1000, which seems pretty accuarate to me. The event featured a speech by the Byzantine eparch of Parma and diocesan officials from Cleveland and Youngstown, and was preceded by a Mass for religious liberty celebrated by Bishop Lennon at St. John’s Cathedral.
I attended the one in St. Paul. It was well attended and well done. Among other speakers, St. Thomas law professor Teresa Collet delivered a fiery speech that engaged the crowd. The silence of media coverage of this event locally, and nationally, is deafening, however. Compare to Occupy Wall Street media coverage, for example.
Owensboro,KY, our small town of 56,000, had a successful rally with over 300 citizens in attendance. The Holy Spirit spear-headed our rally because we began planning a mere 7 days earlier!
Read about how He pulled it off here:
Report from the Diocese of Toledo, Ohio:
I watched the video posted here of Star Parker in DC, but the video didn’t quite keep up with the audio, so I scrolled down a bit and just listened to the audio. Wow, what a passionate speaker she is!
You go, girl!
I heard about the DC rally early this morning as I lay in bed listening to the radio (NPR). The woman reporter who did the story said there were ‘only a few hundred’. I got mad and yelled, ‘How do YOU know, woman?’, or something of that nature….not the kind of thing to make you wake up in the middle of the night! : (
As I said yesterday, the only rally within reasonable driving distance was in the southern part of NY State. But with threatening weather and plastic covering a busted window in my car, I ended up not going.
But I’m happy to read the reports of others here! How wonderful that there were Bishops, priests (bravo, Father Guarnizo in DC!), seminarians, male and female religious in attendance at many of the rallies!
We’ve got to keep pushing and pushing, until this mandate is declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, and Obama gets booted out of office!
I live in N. San Diego County, CA. In a town 20 minutes north, SW Riverside, Temecula there was a rally I went to. There were probably 200-300 there. We had a tall, handsome and young Orthodox priest speak. Excellent. A 22yr old grad student in theology at JPII university. Excellent! A female lawyer from Biola(Protestant) also Excellent. Young hispanic man who was born two days before a scheduled abortion. And a Catholic physician. Great turnout for seemed like last minute notice. I put it on my facebook and blog. They had petitions to sign too
I wasn’t able to attend the rally in Detroit, but did get t see the movie premiere of OCTOBERBABY.
Very well done with great cinematography. I would highly recommend it.
Attended a portion of the Denver rally between two other schedule commitments. There were at least 300 people there, could have been up to 500, but I was at the north edge and couldn’t get a good view of how far south the crowd went. Since more parking is to the south, I’m guessing more people were probably on that side too.
The acting chancellor of the Archdiocese (Joseph Flynn IIRC) brought a good message from Bp. Conley who was out of town attending to his mom on her 84th birthday. (Abp. Chaput took former chancellor F. X. Maier to Philadelphia.)
The other speakers I heard were all off-topic, mostly in promotion of the proposed personhood amendment. A good cause, but not at all the point of this rally. The last speaker I saw was overly angry and bombastic railing against “Caesar Tyrannus Obama”. A graphic poster of unborn children that I think was probably six feet wide was the most conspicuous visual image.
There was no media coverage at all. Sandra Fluke was in town raising funds for democratic politicians, so that’s where all the media folks were. The lack of media coverage here was probably for the best as the bombastic speech and graphic image would likely have helped Obama more than they would have hurt him.
Saw one old man in clerics at the rally, but given the odd wooden cross he wore about his neck, I don’t think he was Catholic.
BTW I can’t even view comments in Firefox. Had to use IE. I think it’s probably some of those new social media geegaws.
Nashville TN had about 300 in attendance by my count, though the morning paper said 500 and I won’t argue. Bishop Choby was the first speaker; he was followed by others including Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, who opened his remarks by saying “We stand with the Catholic bishops.” The whole ObamaCare debacle may be worth it to get our separated Baptist brethren to at least consider that position.
Madison, WI’s Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally-
Photos, Bishop Morlino’s Audio Link,
Cap Times article link at:
Gregg the Obscure –
That “overly angry and bombastic” speaker that you heard was the intrepid Ann Barnhardt – bravely saying the things everyone thinks but is too afraid to say. You should be thankful to have had the chance to hear her! She is a Catholic convert, patriot, former CEO of Barnhardt Capital Management, and one of the sharpest people out there. You can find the text of her speech, “Viva Cristo Rey” on her blog. The fact that you think media coverage of her speech would have helped Obama indicates that you didn’t listen to it. I also find it strange that you think media coverage of a large poster of an unborn child would have helped Obama. The whole point of the protests are about government mandating that we help kill unborn children.
Here is a short video on the Minneapolis Rally created by our Archdiocesian paper.
Could one more person visit about these rallies. I currently have 66 visits. I’m just sayin’….