I’ve not been posting these travelogues for some time. This trip deserves attention, because it has as its scope a truly special occasion in the life of the Church as a whole and for the traditionally inclined in particular, not to leave out anyone interested in the monastic life.
There’s going to be a lot of Latin during this trip, as well as catching up with old friends.
Next leg.
I’m not sure what it represents… perhaps flight patterns?
Happy Birthday Holy Mary, Mother of God!
St. Philip Neri said,
“When we make this prayer to our Blessed Lady, we give her every possible praise in the least possible compass, because we call her by her name of MARY, and give her those two great titles of Virgin, and Mother of God, and then name JESUS, the fruit of her most pure womb.”
Kansas City, here you come…?
Are you going to Rome? Or a monastery in France?
Gower, MO?
I believe Father is headed to Gower, Missouri, for the dedication of the abbatial church of the Benedictines of Mary. I know the floor in that last picture; two vocation retreats last year (one to Gower!) took me through the Kansas City airport.
I believe the floor design is a labyrinth. If you have a picture taken of yourself following it, you may get a pass to the next meeting of the LCWR.
With the help of youngcatholicgirl’s note, I believe I may have found an article about the unusual floor design at the following website: http://www.kcur.org/post/kci-terminal-closing-public-art-remains-now#stream/0. It appears to be part of an art work called ‘Polarities’. To wit (as per the article): “The design for Polarities, the blue terrazzo floors created by New York City-based artists Kristin Jones and Andrew Ginzel, was altered, in part, by a city council member. She argued that arrows on the floor, included in the original proposal, would be confusing. Instead, the artist team created “a collection of overlapping systems created by brass plus and minus symbols, suggesting the infinite depth of space and images which create a sense of groundlessness, of suspense, of flight, of freedom”.”