At Fishwrap, which is ever devolving into the delusions they have fomented over the years, you can read about the devious Jesuit promoter of sodomy – I know, I know – James Keenan. Weigel’s notes on Keenan’s antics are helpful.
Keenan penned a patently sycophantic piece about making women cardinals. He provides eight candidates!
After you stop laughing, take a look at his list. It’s a hoot. You’ll laugh until you stop!
Included among The Keenan 8™ are the likes – I promise I am not making this up – of the heretical Srs. Elizabeth Johnson and Margaret Farley.
Margaret, whose work was censured by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, is a promoter of masturbation and same-sex activity. In her censured book, she wrote: “My own view, as should be clear by now, is that same-sex relationships and activities can be justified according to the same sexual ethic as heterosexual relationships and activities.” Yep. Let’s make her a Cardinal.
Sr. Mary Ann Hinsdale is a colleague of Keenan at Jesuit BC, so that’s not at all self-serving. She is a great admirer of the late ex-priest homosexual Gregory Baum (so venerated by certain of Team Francis).
Sr. Mary Catherine Hilkert is one of the 16 signers of the ultra-feminist Mandeleva Statement calling for an end to patriarchalism in the Church and acceptance of homosexuality. I’m sensing a theme.
Sr. Theresa Forcades, a darling of the wymyn who want ordination and, it seems, carnal knowledge of other women, is feted at the site of the Conference for the … no no… WOC: Women’s Ordination Conference for her “queer theology”. She is against capitalism and, in an interview, said: “I do call my church structurally misogynist. It’s not just a couple of priests here and there or a particular bunch of cardinals. The whole structure needs to be undone. Fully. Because it’s based on clericalism, and clericalism is based on ordination, and only males can be ordained and access the places where decisions are made. I find this completely sinful.” Yeah… she should be one of Keenan’s cardinals, too.
And there is, of course, our old pal and promoter of women’s ordination Phyllis Zagano!
No, really.
That’s enough for now. You can do your own digging. What do you want to bet a certain theme keeps coming up in their work.
Now that I think about it…
A dominating criterion for Keenan’s list seems to be along the lines of ex-Card. McCarrick’s proclivities. Is that the Jesuit standard for making someone a cardinal?
Inquiring minds want to know.
At his octogenarian level, perhaps Keenan could be forgiven for some of his crazy notions. After all! But, then again, I know some really sharp nonagenarians.
No. I think he really means it.
Notions, by the way, are what these heterodox Jesuits and Fishwrappers generally proffer.
Notions are found in sewing baskets, not in serious discourse.
Amusing as this all is, I find it deeply tacky to issue it on the Feast of the Nativity of Mary.
What is the Mandeleva Statement? I can’t find anything about it.
I can just envision the next conclave with them participating as electors. I bet it would be strikingly similar to the outbursts we’ve seen from the Kavanaugh hearings.
Female cardinals for the upcoming Synod? That can be managed. A shame that we don’t have any copies of the Reporter to line the cage with though.
Cardinals, um no. Mockingbirds maybe. Or Cuckoos.
Oooh! I’ve got another!
Interesting suggestions Fr. Keenan, but can they pitch?
No Sandinista collaborator Sr. Maureen Fiedler? I guess not.
How come no one complains that men can’t be nuns?
The Cao Dai religion has female Cardinals. Has Keenan been visiting Vietnam for inspiration?
If Nacy Pelosi was chosen along with Zagano they could be the ‘pink mafia’.
Good Lord, the DementiaDust is absolutely florid and galloping at BC. Madness. There can be no other explanation.
They should join the Anglican church already; what are they waiting for?
Newark does have some strident guidelines for gays getting married:
As yet, only Catholic Cardinal Marx is giving his priests permission to give gay couples a “blessing” ceremony. But, we are getting closer, and closer…
Sodomy is one of the Sins that Cry Out to Heaven for Vengeance. Sodomy and priestesses go hand-in-hand. Let me explain my reasoning: once you violate one of God’s plans for the Church and the world, everything else is fair game. Let me ask you this: if God wanted female priests, well then why wasn’t one of the Apostles female? I have a mother on earth, and a mother in heaven, but God’s plan is not to have female ‘cardinals.’
Elevation to the cardinalate or excommunication?
Why is it a question?
Sr. Theresa Forcades: “only males can be ordained and access the places where decisions are made.”
Like you’ve said, Faddah: for them, it’s all about Power.