Reliable Catholic and Pro-Life Causes

Here are some efforts worth your attention. We are getting down to the end of the year. Some of you are starting to think about your end of year TAX DEDUCTIBLE giving.

Tridentine Mass Society of the Diocese of Madison

First, in the sphere of liturgy and the promotion of our Catholic identity, may I recommend the Tridentine Mass Society of the Diocese of Madison? The TMSM is a a 501(c)(3) organization.

I am the president of the TMSM. For the last few years, especially with the help of the Extraordinary Ordinary, we have been expanding our arsenal of good vestments, so important for dignified liturgical worship, and celebrating Solemn and Pontifical Masses regularly. Right now I have a couple projects going, for a new solemn Pontifical set in black, and one in a spectacular multicolored damask fabric and red moire lining.

The funds are there for the black (which I’m working on), but they are not for the damask.

I want to raise $15000 to cover the new Pontifical set in damask.

It would include things like the gremial, antependium, additional dalmatics and so forth.  Items lacking for a simpler Solemn Mass set.   It is amazing how much of a difference in the atmosphere of a sanctuary the antependium makes!  They cost quite a bit but they are worth every centimeter.

This is what we are after with the damask.  For larger, right click and open in a new tab.

These are the personal vestments of a new priest, his property.  That’s well and good.  But they are not enough for a Pontifical Mass at the throne and I am a firm believer that we should own our own vestments independently of any other (potentially fickle) organization.

To donate you can use PayPal, which is really easy and fast (they take a taste).

You can send a check by snail mail (and every cent comes to us).

Tridentine Mass Society of the Diocese of Madison
733 Struck St.
PO BOX 44603
Madison, WI 53744-4603

You can wire transfer from these USA or from abroad:

Contact me.

We are doing good things here.  As a matter of fact, I believe that our Society has prompted the creation of some other groups.  Also, I suspect that our example with the bishop has perhaps inspired other bishops to be generous with their availability for solemn traditional worship.

We are all in this together.  When we raise the tide, all boats rise.  That’s what we are doing, Mass by Mass and maniple by maniple.

Sacred Heart Academy

My friend Fr. Robert Sirico has done amazing things at the parish entrusted to him in Grand Rapids, MI. He has revitalized worship and resurrected and transformed their school into a first rate Catholic classical academy. During one of my last visits there, I had a good tour of the school during hours and visited class rooms. The students and teachers were amazing.

Right now, at Sacred Heart Academy, they have provided an opportunity to help the students by funding scholarships. At the close of the 2013-14 school year the Academy had 69 students, now enrollment stands at 317 – an increase of 359% in 4 years! And, believe me, this place is really Catholic.

Watch their video HERE. They are at about 50% of their campaign right now. Let’s see what you readers can do. They need 114 donors for matching grants to fund the scholarships. They have 58.

Heartbeat International

More for your information than anything else.  You can help to save lives by spreading this information.

Over the last few years I have gotten involved with a pro-life group called Heartbeat International. This is an amazing group which quietly provides support for many local initiatives, like pro-life pregnancy centers. For example, during a pilgrimage to Italy with them we visited centers in tiny towns where people are doing great things with almost nothing. Heartbeat can give them funding. You might recall that a few months ago, I posted about how they now administer a network of doctors across the continent who can prescribe the medication that REVERSES the “morning after pill” abortifacient without any negative effects to mother or child. This is a Big Deal. HERE Women can get these abortifacient drugs easily. They take them in a panic and many women change their minds. Most people don’t even know that the process CAN BE REVERSED without ill effects. But the reversal treatment must be administered quickly and by prescription. That’s why Heartbeat runs a network of pro-life doctors and can get women in touch with a local doctor fast, to get that reversal prescribed.

Now, Heartbeat has a new website called The fact is that Big Business Abortion constantly attacks small centers, calling them “fake clinics” etc. This site combats the attacks and provides accurate information. In one presentation I heard while attending a Heartbeat event, we were given statistics about how important that first contact is with some clinic or center. If women contact Big Business Abortion, they tend to go one way. If their first contact for help is with a pro-life group, it goes that way. Over the years, slowly and steadily the lines on the graph they showed have converged, and those first contacts with pro-life groups have caught up to and have started to pass Big Business Abortion. Hence, getting good information out there in a timely and user friendly way is critically important.

Heartbeat is a great organization to support on its own. However, this site – – is something that you should make known to those around you. Get the word out on the internet, in parish bulletins, through diocesan pro-life offices, etc.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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