Pres. Trump declared that 22 January is National Sanctity of Human Life Day. CNA HERE Of course today is the anniversary of the 1973 SCOTUS decision Roe V Wade.
I am on my way to Washington DC today, so I can meet up with friends, see people in a pro-life organization I have contact with, and participate in the March For Life.
I haven’t been able to go every year, but I try. It is a great event and inspiring to see so many people, especially young people, there. Another advantage is that the number of TLMs celebrated around the area has increased by quite a few. This is, among other things, an indicator that the TLM is gaining across the board.
I could use a hand in defraying expenses for the flight and stay.
They are playing Alex De Grassi in the airport. Blast from the past for sure.
The local fighter wing is putting their F-16s up this morning. Sounds like freedom.
Not one of them…
A benefit of the fighter wing being here is that we have great runways.
I’ve got a good slo-mo video of a take off. Maybe I’ll be able to get it to upload later.
Now if only we can get those F35s . . .
Have a blessed journey and March for Life Fr. Z.
F-16s are indeed the Sound of Freedom. The Scent of Freedom is incense at Holy Mass, and gunpowder drifting on a light breeze early in a crisp April morning at the Camp Lejeune rifle range.
[As I once wrote, HERE,
Ah, those were the days.]
Fr. Z:
I went to the Dallas March last Saturday, which was well attended but no television coverage. I wanted to go to Washington this year, but I have a work tour that Friday. Haven’t been to the DC March since 2007.
Say hello to Archbishop Broglio if he is in town. My newer bishop is in Rome this week for his first Ad Limina visit. Texas dioceses, along with the Dioceses of Little Rock, Tulsa, and the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City are meeting this week in Rome.
Any chance of a Blognic gathering?
(Consider the following as a sort of sidebar:)
Correct me if I’m wrong, but jus abutendi means the “right to abuse”, including the “right to destroy” – a legal term referring to the doctrine that one must have some claim of ownership in order to have that right. Now, unborn human beings are still human beings, so it seems to me that claiming the right to destroy that human being – abortion – is a claim of ownership of that human being. In other words, a claim of slavery of that unborn human. And for one purpose only – homicide.
So why do people not understand this, and why is it not prohibited under the 13th Amendment?
Feel free, anyone, to pass this on.
“They all agreed with Grigori’s observation that the glint of sunlight off the shower of casings falling to the ground about their feet was not unlike the sparkle of sun in the Holy Water during that morning’s Asperges.”
“The scent of spent gunpowder mingled with the incense as together they wafted through the waning sunlight from the windows, their ears ringing merrily from both the .50 cal. and the Sanctus bells.”
Sheer poetry. It doesn’t even require iambic pentameter. Sure, one could toss in a Saturno and a smoke grenade, and maybe the twilight’s last gleaming and a Lepanto Flag, but that might be too much of a good thing.
I will be down there as well coming from CT. I hope to run into you at the March on Friday! Would mean a great deal to have the opportunity to say hello. You have saved my faith!
Just read that POTUS will address the March in person. Amazing! I had a feeling. God bless him.
The thing is, if the personhood of the unborn were recognized, (which it isn’t yet and arguably is the lynchpin of the pro-life cause), your argument wouldn’t even be nessecary – it’s wrong to kill legal persons.
@Semper Gumby
re the sound of freedom
…or the sound and sight of M1A1 Abrams tanks drilling in some wilderness reputedly near Ft. Hood, Texas.
With all due respect to the Second Amendment, my favorite sounds of freedom have more to do with the First Amendment. And that most especially includes “he right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
That right will be exercised by the thousands taking part in Friday’s March for Life. Having taken part in several past Marches, I love that sound of freedom.
Welcome to our swamp!
Vox Laudis: You bet, a hearty salute to the M1 tank and tankers.
veritas vincit: Well said, fully agree.
The First Amendment also contains the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses. Among other things, those two clauses should cause to think twice those who would return these United States to 17th century Europe and the Thirty Years War. Briefly, it started as a religious war and turned into a political war.
Interesting, the first President to do so. Makes one wonder about the so called “catholic” politicians in DC that will not be there.
Markus, yes. Why someone, who publicly calls themselves ‘devout catholic’, would purposely not attend an event in Washington that simple says, ‘value human life, at the most vulnerable stage’ is beyond me. As if they are afraid if they attended their ‘friends’ would hate them? or what?
Amendment 13: Section 1
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
(No use of the word “person” there.)
“Slavery, condition in which one human being [is] owned by another. A slave was considered by law as property, or chattel, and was deprived of most of the rights ordinarily held by free persons/”
You will also find, if you look, that the word “person” used in this context, is an arbitray and capricious term applied when someone wishes to categorize a group of human beings so that they can be considered not to have fundamental human rights. Many Americans did that to the 19th century native tribes. SCOTUS did that to Americans of Japanese ancestry early in WWII. It was certainly done to many African ancestry human beings in the antebellum South – and to very many by the Nazi’s, particularly to Jews.
And it IS being done to pre-born humans NOW, in vast numbers.