STATEMENT from priests of the Cathedral of San Francisco about “FS” and “blessings”

This is worth notice.  Priests of the Cathedral in San Francisco have issued their own statement about FS…

Conscience First (English and Spanish)


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Chiara says:

    Faithful, sensible, and sound.

    This is much the same message my own Bishop, His Excellency Edward Malesic of Cleveland, issued.

  2. BeatifyStickler says:

    Nice to see this, especially in a place like San Fran. Fr. John Harvey intercede for us!!

  3. OneTradMale says:

    Beautiful! It needed to be said and it was well stated, and clearly written. Praise God for these holy and courageous priests!
    My only pessimistic comment regards the quote from St. John Fisher after the signatures. Shouldn’t a good Christian correct another when his conscience leads him to error? Or am I misinterpreting the message of the quote?

  4. bluechieftain says:

    God bless these good and faithful priests and the good and faithful Archbishop who leads and inspires them. When will this benighted pontificate finally come to an end?

  5. Kathleen10 says:

    God bless them and keep them, and give them all spines of steel.

  6. BW says:

    That reads with more clarity, more beauty, more authenticity, and (take note) more pastoral charity and walking together-ity than anything coming out of the Vatican these days.

    Bonus points for quoting St +Fisher too.

    So when do those priests lose their standing?

  7. aam says:

    I sense a de facto revolt developing against Fiducia Supplicans.


  9. Saint Rocco the Trubador says:

    Whenever I get “bogged down” or depressed or anxious or discouraged about what has been going on (both within the Church as well as in this nation, and also throughout the world), I am heartened by moments and messages like this (this bold yet clear, unambiguous and care-filled statement from, of all places, SF) which re-instills in me some much needed hope.

  10. majuscule says:

    I am familiar with both priests. Fr. Geronimo was ordained in 2022. He’s an example of the recently ordained men coming out of St. Patrick’s Seminary.

  11. Pingback: Les prêtres de la cathédrale de San Francisco déclarent qu’ils ne peuvent pas bénir des « couples » homosexuels en leur âme et conscience – La Voix de Dieu Magazine

  12. nycdreamr says:

    I somehow suspect there will be plenty of priests in San Francisco in conformity with Rome who will impart blessings on same gender couples. These two dissidents claim to be acting upon a “fundamental matter of conscience.” So, too, will those priests who choose not to defy his Holiness.

  13. BW says:

    FAO: OneTradMale:

    The quote of +Fisher is in the context of Tudor England politics. The notion of temporal vs spiritual power made it exceeding tricky for the Bishop of Rochester. He did not condemn his persecutors, nor did he condemn his heretical brother bishops. He just defended the authority of Rome and showed up everyone else for the cowards they were.

  14. aam says:

    I just noticed an oddity. The Episcopal Conferences of Africa have issued a statement stating, among other things, that “the extra-liturgical blessings proposed in the Declaration Fiducia Supplicans cannot be carried out in Africa without exposing themselves to scandals…. We, the African bishops, do not consider it appropriate for Africa to bless homosexual unions or same-sex couples.” The opening paragraph of the document states that the document “has received the agreement” of Pope Francis and Cardinal Fernandez. Huh?

  15. summorumpontificum777 says:

    Re: the comment by nycdreamr that there are likely other priests in S.F. who are doing these same-sex-couple blessings. Yes, that’s undoubtedly true. However, based on my personal knowledge of the S.F. archdiocese, I would guess that it’s very much a generational split. The younger priests under 50 are generally pretty orthodox. The liberals are mostly at or near retirement age. (This is setting aside some of the religious orders such as the S.J.s who continue to be able to recruit the next generation of heterodox, albeit in diminishing numbers).

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