Tag Archives: blogs

Blog “New Liturgical Movement” under new management

Kudos to Jeffrey Tucker who has taken over the reins of the blog New Liturgical Movement! Click on the image and go spike their stats as a welcome gesture.

Posted in Fr. Z KUDOS, The Campus Telephone Pole | Tagged , , ,

US Bishops: Bloggers play ‘critical role’ in defending Church. Fr. Z makes a proposal.

When the Obama Administration began to attack the 1st Amendment, Catholic bloggers rose up. When the U.S. Bishops called for rallies for religious freedom, Catholic bloggers posted links and dates and places. When the USCCB and Card. Dolan and Bp. … Read More

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Biased Media Coverage, Blognics, Brick by Brick, Dogs and Fleas, New Evangelization, Our Catholic Identity, Religious Liberty, The Drill, The future and our choices, The Last Acceptable Prejudice, Wherein Fr. Z Rants | Tagged , , , , , , , , ,

ACTION ITEM! VOTE! An annual award for Catholic websites.

Help, please? WDTPRS is a finalist for Best Catholic Blog in About.com’s Readers Choice Awards. Click HERE to go to the page to VOTE. You may vote once per day…. actually once per 24 hour period.  24 hrs after your … Read More

Posted in Lighter fare | Tagged , ,

Anna Arco on blogs and their contribution

The lovely and persistent Anna Arco, feature writer for The Catholic Herald, the UK’s best Catholic weekly, recently gave an intervention at a conference in Rome concerning tools of social communication. Here are a few salient points from her talk: … Read More

Posted in SESSIUNCULA | Tagged ,

“broadcast” to “narrowcast”

In the National Catholic Register (which you can distinguish from the other NCR because the Register is Catholic), there is an offering by our friend and recent recipient of a WDTPRS coffee mug Fr. Dwight Longenecker about priests and blogs… … Read More

Posted in The Drill | Tagged , , , , ,