Via Eponymous Flower and Messa in Latino comes something from World Youth Day not covered by the mainstream Catholic media. And one must ask why that is.
My emphases:
Traditionalist Bishops [Not the SSPX bishops. Bishops with actual faculties and authority.] Celebrate the Immemorial Mass With 1500 WYD Pilgrims
(Madrid) Msgr. Marc Marie Max Aillet, the Bishop of Bayonne, Lescar and Orlon since 2008 in France will celebrate the Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form at the Parish Church of San Eduardo in Madrid with more than 1500 youth. This church has been allocated to the youth who are attached to Tradition from France. The Bishops of Bayonne and Frejus-Toulon have been celebrating Holy Mass in the Tridentine Rite.
In addition, young Catholic pilgrims who are bound to Tradition also use the churches of the Terceer Monasterio de la Visitación (Salesians) and the parish church of San Francisco de Sales.
Msgr Le Gall on August 19th Bishop Marc Aillet is close to the Community of St. Martin. His priestly ordination took place in 1982 at the hands of the great Cardinal Giusseppe Siri. Before his consecration as Bishop he was the General Vicar of the Diocese of Frejus-Toulon, which is known for its closeness to Tradition. Msgr Aillet promotes the Rite in his Diocese.
[Update] on August 19th, 2011, Msgr Robert Le Gall, Archbishop of Toulose celebrated the Old Rite at the parish church of San Francisco de Sales. The Benedictine Msgr Le Gall is a famous Liturgist and was named to the tradition rich French Archdiocese in 2006. In 1992 he founded the Groupe de Chevetogne for the collaboration of Catholics and Orthodox. Archbishop Le Gall is the Chairman of the Liturgical Commission of the French Bishops Conference.
Translated from German which was translated from Messa in Latino/Giusseppe Nardi
A small percentage of young people who went to World Youth Day?
There was one young man from Communist China and he received an article on CNA.
And since when are minorities with legitimate aspirations unimportant?
Also, let us remember Universae Ecclesiae:
8. The Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum constitutes an important expression of the Magisterium of the Roman Pontiff and of his munus of regulating and ordering the Church’s Sacred Liturgy. The Motu Proprio manifests his solicitude as Vicar of Christ and Supreme Pastor of the Universal Church, and has the aim of:
a. offering to all the faithful the Roman Liturgy in the Usus Antiquior, considered as a precious treasure to be preserved;
b. effectively guaranteeing and ensuring the use of the forma extraordinaria for all who ask for it, given that the use of the 1962 Roman Liturgy is a faculty generously granted for the good of the faithful and therefore is to be interpreted in a sense favourable to the faithful who are its principal addressees;
c. promoting reconciliation at the heart of the Church.
I think that all pastors of souls should make sure that their flocks know how to say and sing all the parts of Mass which pertain to them in Latin and in their mother tongue and that they should be taught also about the Extraordinary Form of Holy Mass so that they have a greater appreciation of the riches open to them and so that they may have a choice.
I rejoice in Summorum Pontificum, the broader availability of the extraordinary form, including at WYD, and mutual enrichment with the ordinary form. However, I object to the rhetorical phrase “bound to Tradition” used by proponents of the older form. All Catholics are “bound to Tradition”, i.e., Sacred Tradition. Those who “bind” themselves to the older form of the Roman liturgy might be considered more closely bound to the liturgical tradition of the Latin rite, but the phrase “bound to Tradition” with a capital T implies that the ordinary form and those who assist at it are in discontinuity with the Church’s tradition and even Sacred Tradition itself. I love the extraordinary form, but I wish its proponents would promote its positive aspects rather than promote an hermeneutic of discontinuity and rupture and make slurs against the ordinary form.
Sorry, I meant “attached to Tradition”, not “bound to Tradition” in the previous post.
It’s amazing how quickly the movement is growing. I can remember going in 1993 and I could not find a TLM anywhere near WYD.
I could however, find all sorts of hugging, guitars, reception of Holy Communion in the hand, refusal of the use of Latin and all other sorts of sundry abuses going on.
As the Archbishop said to the Holy Father during his address to him, this is the Benedictine generation, when speaking about the influence of WYD. Honestly, I think that John Paul II literally caused “his generation” to become outlived. It is not the “JPII generation” which will influence the Church, it is the Benedictine.
Now we wait patiently for the Holy Father to sing a Papal Mass in the usus antiquior. That day cannot come soon enough.
[Not the SSPX bishops. Bishops with actual faculties and authority.]
Maybe at WYD 2013 in Rio?
With all the different nationalities present, wouldn’t World Youth Day be the perfect place to have Latin?
Now we wait patiently for the Holy Father to sing a Papal Mass in the usus antiquior.
But for this happy occurrence we may have to wait a bit longer. (Or can someone cite reason to see it on the horizon?)
How odd that the Taize Community in order to be ecumenical and reach out to all of the youth, chose to write many of the chants in Latin. Obviously, Latin would be the preferred language of WYD. Let us pray for the Pope to celebrate the EF at the main Mass in Rio.
The celebration of mgr Le Gall is very much a sign that shows how much times have changed – and how people may change, his excellency not being known (at all) as a friend of the traditional liturgy. For French readers, more on this episcopal u-turn below.
Andy Milam and Henry Edwards:
A Papal High Mass is, alas, somewhat unlikely: with the abolition of 3 out of 4 sets of Papal guards (including the Noble Guard), and the elimination of the Papal court, many of the required offices for such a function simply no longer exist.
Added to that, when was the last time you even heard of public celebration of the Office outside a monastery? Let alone the required Terce before the Papal Mass.
If and when we see a papal Mass in the Extraordinary form, perhaps it ought to exhibit a more “noble simplicity” than the vintage sort of papal-court spectacle you refer to. Which I fear might not best advance the TLM cause; papal celebration of an “ordinary” solemn pontifical Mass (whatever the rubrics may say) might be more constructive. Of course, the Supreme Pontiff (and Legislator) could direct his MC’s to craft any rubrical adaptations he desired for the occasion.
However, I’m beginning to wonder whether it may be later rather than sooner that we see any such event, whatever its details. But for an entirely different reason—namely, that the Pope’s public celebration of an EF Mass might not appear consistent with his primary goal of the reform of the OF.
Yes we should know our parts of the Novus Ordo in Latin! The last 2 weeks at our church on the UW Madison campus, we have had a wonderful elderly substitute priest Msgr Del Schmelzer while our 2 pastors have been at WYD. His homilies are full of good doctrine, charity and good sense. We normally have Latin Novus Ordo on Fridays, the first Friday I didn’t really give Msgr Schmelzer any advance notice and he was unprepared to celebrate the OF in Latin, though he can sing the EF High Mass. But he worked on it a little and even though this dear priest’s brother passed away on Wednesday of that week, the second Friday he did celebrate in Latin, only for the second time ever, the first when he was visiting someplace in France and they had only a Latin missal. He did great, his Mass was strongly influenced by the EF, it was touching and a little happiness for him and for us (in the midst of his grief over his brother).
Priest finally celebrates new Mass in Latin after 50+ years ordained, isn’t it funny that’s what the young people want now!
Rich — actually there was quite a bit of Latin at Sunday’s WYD Mass, as you can see in the Missal (pdf file).
@Henry Edwards:
If and when we see a papal Mass in the Extraordinary Form that exhibits a more “noble simplicity” than the vintage sort of papal-court spectacle Pachomius refers to, I will personally wonder what the point of it is, to be honest.
If the pope celebrates a solemn Papal Mass according to the 1962 Missal once, what will that actually mean to those who are longing to see that? Particularly if it’s celebrated in an untraditional way that would have been completely alien to pre-Conciliar popes, according to modified rubrics? Strip away all the things that were unique to the pre-reform solemn Papal Mass and just have the Pope celebrate a regular bishop’s solemn pontifical Mass according to the 1962 Missal? I suppose he could, but what would actually be the point, I’m wondering? What does having the Pope do that actually signify or accomplish?
Popes never celebrated Mass like that before the reforms. It would not in any way signify a “return to tradition” on the part of the pope, therefore. It would be a complete novelty, in fact. So why do some traditionalists so long for the Pope to do this, I wonder? “Well, he can’t celebrate the traditional papal Mass because nobody knows how to do it anymore so what we’d like him to do instead is…” Hold on. Why? Now, let’s just say he does that…
“The pope celebrated a bishop’s Mass in the Extraordinary Form, today!”
What comes after “therefore”?
Rather than have the pope celebrate a bastardized version of the pre-Conciliar form of solemn Papal Mass, or simply have him celebrate Mass according to rubrics designed for a bishop, I would rather the papal Mass in the Ordinary Form were reformed and embellished and regularized to reflect a higher solemnity that would evoke, if not mimick, the spectacular Papal Masses and ceremonies of yore. They have certainly tried to do that during this papacy, a little, but in my opinion they have a long way to go, and there is too much fluidity and inconsistency.
And as for the big, outdoor papal Masses “on stage”…I wish they would make an end of them, to be honest. They just don’t work. Since that’s unlikely, however, I at least wish the Pope would celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist ad orientem, and that the travelling show sanctuaries would look more like something a pope would celebrate Mass in, and less like something that aliens would mistake for the Mother Ship (like that thing at WYD in Madrid).
I find this from your post helpful Fr. Z,
“I think that all pastors of souls should make sure that their flocks know how to say and sing all the parts of Mass which pertain to them in Latin and in their mother tongue and that they should be taught also about the Extraordinary Form of Holy Mass so that they have a greater appreciation of the riches open to them and so that they may have a choice.”
We should welcome the possibility of praying the Mass with other Catholics in the forms and rites of our Church, to say and sing the prayers and to appreciate their meaning and depth, and let these inform the prayers and moments of our lives experienced outside of our time at Mass as well.