There was just an earthquake 1 KM north of Colonna, Italy, in the Castelli Romani 24 KM SE of Rome. 20:43:47 (UTC) Magnitude 3.4 at a depth of 5 KM.
This is near well-known places such as Frascati and other producers of the Lazio white wine, such as Monteporzio Catone, Fontana Candida, and, over the hills, Castel Gandolfo.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
3.4 is the type of earthquake that is often felt, but only causes minor damage. There are close to 30,000 earthquakes per year globally. It’s disruptive, but not apocalyptic.
Correction: there are 30,000 earthquakes of this magnitude per year.
Cardinal Sarah and Allegory of destruction: