The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist (decidedly not LCWR types!) are participating in a TV game show called the American Bible Challenge. More on them HERE.
They are in the FINALS!
My correspondent wrote:
Don’t forget to watch the Dominican Sisters of Mary competing for the Grand Prize ($100,000) on the American Bible Challenge this Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 7:00 PM on GSN (Game Show Network, Ch. 71 Direct TV). Their winnings will go to a retirement fund for retired nuns. Let’s pray they win in this grand finale.
There is a preview video.
Go sisters! :) Represent!
A reminder to keep voting every day for the sisters!
I was under the impression that the Finale wasn’t until next week, May 23. We don’t have a TV at home, and so plan to go out to watch the sisters whenever they are on. The TV Guide website indicates that the next new episode won’t be until next week, but if anyone knows better, I would love to know!
Awesome! Go Sr. Evangeline!
Now *that’s* evangelization!
You go girls!!!
Nuns! Nuns! Nuns! Nuns! . . . .
Here is where you vote:
Go Sisters!!!!!
Don’t know if we have that channel… Stupid cable company keeps changing the channels around.
Imagine The Nuns On The Bus participating in this competition. Hehe.
And Protestants say Catholics don’t know their Scripture.
Well – *some* do. Godspeed, sisters!
Thanks for the heads up I watched it yesterday. It was great!
Just to clarify, I watched the semi-final yesterday.
One of the sisters is a former student of mine. God bless them!
So, did they win…?
The Sisters of Mary received the most popular votes, but did not win the contest. I don’t know if they finished second or third or how close the score was.
Pity, but – even though coilstered sisters are usually not in the PR business in the narrow sense – their good effort is still good PR.