Common ground?

Via the great Vincenzo:

Remember his promises at Notre Dame?  The hopes of Card. Cottier?  The excuses of Doug Kmiec? The panting of L’Osservatore Romano?

Don’t forget that Vincenzo has the Pius Clocks!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. wmeyer says:

    Excellent cartoon! The message could not be more clear.

    To borrow from the tyrant’s wife, I am, for the first time, truly ashamed of my country, or at least of its government. I am ashamed of Obama for his treason, and of our legislative and judicial branches for their utter failure to protect and defend as they are sworn to do. Checks and balances can only work when those who must exercise them are not in agreement with the tyranny.

  2. NoTambourines says:

    And who are the political establishment and mainstream media treating as irrational?

    Those in Afghanistan who are throwing what amounts to a temper tantrum with guns, or the Catholic Church invoking the protections of our Constitution?

  3. thoscole says:

    It sure makes it look like our administration really only respects and listens to you and your religious beliefs if you get violent. Not a good precedent!

  4. wmeyer says:

    The founders knew and wrote about the need for periodically starting over. Please God grant us the strength to do what is necessary to our future.

  5. tealady24 says:

    I suppose due to yesterday’s violent weather in the south and midwest, BO felt it wouldn’t be a good Friday (no pun intended) to spring another mandate or executive order our way.
    After all, there’s only so much evil one day can possess (no pun here either)!

  6. BobP says:

    Did Henry VIII do much differently?

  7. ray from mn says:

    He was bragging about his apology and how it “worked” the other day. but they’re still killing our men.

  8. Pingback: Obama’s Religious Policy Explained « Mundabor's Blog

  9. SKAY says:

    Perhaps Obama has adopted Islam’s use of “taqiyya” in dealing with those he disagrees with.

  10. Charles E Flynn says:

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