OLDIE PODCAzT 88: Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart; Leo XIII’s Annum Sacrum

christ king sacred heartHere is my now “oldie” PODCAzT from 2009.  As I listened to this, I was struck by how timely it still is, especially about how some are trying to banish Christ and the Church from the public square.


Here is a rapidly made project to take advantage of the fact that today, 11 June, is the 110th Anniversary of Pope Leo XIII’s Consecration of human race to the Sacred Heart.

Today we hear the encyclical Annum Sacrum of Pope Leo XIII’s (+1903), “Holy Year”. It concerns a holy year for the city of Rome but also Leo XIII’s project for the whole church everywhere in solidarity: that is devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

As we approach the beginning of the Holy year for priests which Pope Benedict XVI has called for, a year which will begin on the feast of the Sacred Heart in 2009, also the centenary of St. John Vianney, it will be good to dive into some texts which may deepen our devotion and participation in such an important even for the life of the Church.  We can come to see the continuity of what we are doing now with the efforts of our forefathers.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. jameeka says:

    Thank you Fr Z, also for putting this on your podcazt feed. Difficult to believe the encyclical was written before all the World Wars, very prescient, and pertinent to our times.

  2. gloriainexcelsis says:

    That prayer is in my 1962 Missal and we do recite it every year at church as a congregation.

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