Does anyone have good news to share?
And with your good news how about some great point from the sermon you heard on Sunday? What did you make for your Sunday supper?
Does anyone have good news to share?
And with your good news how about some great point from the sermon you heard on Sunday? What did you make for your Sunday supper?
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- Prosper of Aquitaine (+c.455), De gratia Dei et libero arbitrio contra Collatorem 22.61
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“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
- Fulton Sheen
Therefore, ACTIVATE YOUR CONFIRMATION and get to work!
- C.S. Lewis
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"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
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Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The first reading 9/4/11 was the inspiration for the sermon….we are obligated to correct in charity.
My godson’s godfather, also being my best friend, is leaving for Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary tomorrow to start his first year. We are all very excited for him.
I got a new book from the Parish Bookstore. :-) The Catechism on Mental Prayer.
Our homily was on the nine ways you can be held accountable for a sin that another person commits. My mom homed in on provocation, so I think my siblings will be reminded of the homily all week. It was a Low Mass today, so our homily was rather long. It didn’t seem like it and it will be easy to remember.
Our Sunday supper was leftovers from yesterday’s supper. It was mom’s birthday (She celebrated her 20th anniversary of her 20th birthday). So we had steak and potato casserole.
Heard the new translation of the Mass yesterday in the UK. It was nice to see people paying attention.
Good news: wedding in 3 weeks
Sermon: about the Good Samaritan: how the beaten and robbed man represents humanity wounded by sin, the samaritan our Lord, the wine and oil he poured on the wounds the sacraments, the lodgemnet the Church. The priest told us, that we souldn’t think about who our neighbor is, rather that we are neighbors to somenone, and we should act accordingly.
Sunday supper: bean soup and wiener schnitzel.
Got a great young priest who took today’s text to teach us that sin is defined by the Church through the magisterium, most accessible through the Catechism.
I’m leaving for Medical School in two weeks. My school starts on the 26th of Sept, the feast days of my patron saints, the holy matyrs Ss Cosmas and Damian, also patrons of doctors! Truly God provides!
Father gave an excellent homily on the responsibility of parents to have their children baptised and teaching the Faith to them from a young age against a modern notion of waiting to let them decide themselves when ‘old enough’.
The school year has begun! And cranky though I can be, I genuinely enjoy professoring.
The sermon was unremarkable.
I grilled a pork tenderloin marinated in soy sauce with LOTS of crushed black pepper.
Homily today at our EF Mass was about Darwinism and Evolution, how it has undermined our belief in sacred scripture and in natural law.
For dinner we made Indian food, Chicken Vindaloo and a new recipe for us, green bean and potato Curry, with brown rice. Everyone enjoyed it.
Good news: tomorrow we start a new homeschool year. I am very grateful to God for making things work out so we can do this each year!
Homily: it was on change and moving forward. Valid pastoral reason to not preach the week’s Gospel: a parish merger on 9/1.
Dinner: pulled pork sandwiches, Cole slaw, apple pie and cappuccino mousse. We invited a man from the parish who is going through a tough time right now. I am glad that we did, we had a lovely evening.
Great point from sermon: at the end, Father talked about Jesus’ saying that if a brother doesn’t respond to correction, we are to treat them like Gentiles and tax collectors; he said that Jesus didn’t ignore those people, but rather gave them more love because they needed it more in order to be brought around, so our obligation isn’t lifted, but rather we ought to pray for those people more.
Sunday dinner: leftover barbeque that I had frozen, macaroni & cheese, broccoli, salad
Good news: the weather here, after a long hot summer, has turned beautiful.
Sermon: father has taken an oath to uphold the Teachings of the Church. While he is purifying the vessels after Holy Communion (with a great explanation of why they are purified), that is the time we are closest to Our Lord.
Sunday supper: Ham flatbread with veggies and jalapeno sauce.
Good news is that God willing and I don’t die, I have started my last year of undergraduate study. Also, my wife and I began putting together our first ever liturgical calendar of important feasts. In addition to the major feasts, we added the feasts of type patrons of our heritages, our namesakes as well as that of our daughter, and she started planning activities to do with our now-15-month-old for all of them.
Our Pastor reflected on Mother Theresa as an example of love, and did not shy away from her quote, “It is a poverty when we decide that an unborn child must die so that we may live in the manner we wish.”. Bl. These of Calcutta, Ora pro nobis!
Supper was homemade pizza at my parents’ home after a day of them getting a visit with the small child. Very happy little one, she loves her grandparents (both sets).
We had dinner with friends last night. They served a pork roast and couscous. I brought the salad and dessert (the apple bundt cake from the cover of the latest “Southern Living”). Then we talked about politics and religion–such subjects were forbidden at my childhood dinner tables because they were contentious, but in this setting everyone was in agreement! A very delightful evening.
I learned from yesterday’s homily that a more effective rebuke to evil than to attempt to dialogue with it is to live one’s life as an offering, in prayer and pursuing holiness actively, trusting in God’s mercy with the will and by actively doing corporal works of mercy. It was very helpful.
When you think about it some of us though adults spiritually are in essence children having not had the benefit of spiritual formation from community that others have had. So we also have to forgive one another when we stumble a little but be mindful that little falls can be indicative of other issues. Some of us have lived most of adult life or career in struggle and darkness and conversion and are essentially preschoolers in the faith. That can be entertaining to watch I guess. And it becomes a real battle to regain any sense of innocence. Some adults not without real concrete and the worst kinds of poverty and difficulties in life still have that in their being their whole lives and that gives courage. But when one considers that the spiritual life is not just an inward thing but concrete, it is not surprising that the consensus among all in Christianity from ancient times to today is that it is not a matter of a work completed in a day. Or a couple years. And we are saddled with issues of evil (as other generations) which are particular to our times and take some working out and that’s not easily done. But it is all still worth it. How many of us wouldn’t love to enjoy the spirit of a second childhood…? We look for it in so many things as adults, it’s very evident in the popular culture but if we comprehend the way we are loved by God we don’t really have to supply after it in all those ways.
We heard about the obligation to engage in fraternal correction from the visiting new rector of the seminary. He illustrated it with a daring rescue story from his childhood in Dublin, and said that’s how we should see correction — in terms of rescuing our neighbor from danger.
And we made a delicious salad out of leftover steak from Saturday night, with crisp lettuce, tomatoes from the garden, crumbled blue cheese, and garbanzo beans.
We’re up north at the cabin for the last hurrah of summer.
The homily was about the importance of community. God thinks community is important and that’s why he gave us the Church. There was also an encouragement go to Confession frequently; monthly if you’re caught up in a serious, persistent sin.
Sunday dinner was BBQ ribs, baked potatoes, sweet corn – all done on the grill – and watermelon. It was eaten with the extended family who joined us for the weekend. Good food and good company.
Our Byzantine Catholic parish commemorated the Holy Prophet Moses. The Gospel was the story of the rich young man who was invited to give up everything and follow the Lord. Father’s sermon touched upon Ezekiel’s vision of the river from the temple, a sign of Holy Baptism and how we are immersed in God as an ocean. (Ezek. 47:1-23) The Lord wants full immersion, not just a toe. With God all things are possible.
Main course for Sunday dinner: Greek stuffed tomatoes. Light but tasty.
Found a card from one of our students in the Summer Mail Pile. Here’s what she wrote:
Brick by brick!
Good news??
After being a week without cable, internet, a copy of my lease, a privacy blind in the shower window, and other various things needing work in my new place, it finally got done just short of me going upstairs and being the annoying nag. The no internet was really getting me worried because classes start this week and their all online. 3G tethering only works so much.
Also, yesterday after setting my pretty much brand new Daily Missal on the roof of my car after Mass and forgetting it there, some nice guy noticed and chased my car down out of the parking lot to let me know. Very embarrassing. I was struggling with vanity that morning, so I guess I needed a quick lesson in humility.
School and my internship start tomorrow. I’m nervous about my internship.
Yesterday’s sermon was mostly about preparing for death, and what you should (and shouldn’t) do for someone who’s near death and how you can help them. Also, what you can do now to prepare yourself for your own death.
Ooo, and something which intrigued my young mind, we should be thanking God every day for letting us live another day. I never really looked at it that way. I’ve always seen death not caused by old age or illness as being the result of people doing dumb things and being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and totally dependent on the non-divine. I didn’t see it as God choosing me let me continue living.
??? I was too wrapped up in the Labour Day Classic football game and forgot about supper. I did make some delicious nachos, though.
Good news: oldest son continuing to attend Mass after several years away. Also my eyes have nearly recovered from some complications after lasik eye surgery. It’s a blessing to be able to see out of both eyes again! I’ll never take good vision in two eyes for granted ever again.
Sunday’s homily was about the obligation to love, and what it really means. We went to a Chinese buffet for lunch. Supper was just soup at home.
Today marks my 51st year on this side of the daisies. Since our family always celebrates birthdays on Sundays, dinner was prepared for me by my incomparable mother. She roasted a whole filet mignon, accompanied by baked potatoes, string bean casserole and salad with her to-die-for oil and lemon dressing. And because today is a legal holiday, I get to spend Monday away from work. Listening to the collect at Mass today, I thought about how fortunate I am to work for an institution where the name of Jesus Christ is contained in our mission statement.
Among what I heard at EF Mass yesterday– the epistle II Corinthians 3:4-9 (“For the letter killeth, but the spirit quickeneth”), which in most parish churches has not been heard on a Sunday during the past forty years, since in the riches of the new OF lectionary it is consigned to every other Wednesday in whatever time.
My good news: people I know in the Catskill Mountains of NY State came through Irene without damage. I got an email from one of them saying that Our Lady protected them.
Sunday sermon: it was about Our Lady’s Birthday, which is this coming Thursday. Very well done by the priest. He quoted a lot from Church Doctors such as St. Bonventure and St. Alphonsus Liguori.
Sunday supper: canned macaroni and beef (came home later than usual, too hot to cook a lot), black olives, bagel w/potato chips, and ice tea.
The good news is that there is no bad news going on.
The sermon was about gossip, and how it hurts our neighbor. The take away line was “Gossip is taking garbage from our heart and throwing it into someone else’s heart.”
Sunday supper was an ice cream sundae!
My husband is home from his job in NV–he’s worked there for six years since his chemical plant closed nine years ago in our “green, eco obsessed” state–thank God he has a job!! We have been able to pay off all our debts and keep the kids on track up here. He is here for 10 days and we were able to celebrate our 41st anniversary. We barbecued for kids and grandkids yesterday–burgers, potato salad, baked beans, tossed salad, homemade chocolate chip cookies with some adult beverages!
Putting into practice what I learned in my retreat last week. Spent one day in silence. Saw a priest twice who has been living in community for over 50 years. He helped a lot. I got some insight into an ongoing problem at our parish. He had me read a book about lectio which helped with a problem I’d been having with it. Bought the new LOTH book for oblates. Got some other books, like the RB1980 in Latin and English. I petted their cat. I sat on a patio on the north side of the building and looked at the big pine trees. Had to eat in the seminary dining room once and met a new seminarian from Illinois who was very nice. He helped me find my way back to the guest house as the place is a maze with construction going on too which has closed some doors and hallways. Was there long enough to become pleasantly bored and ready to go back to work tomorrow. I forgot to put the out of office message on so there will be a thousand of emails to delete.
Sermon about going first to the one who has sinned, not starting high up in the hierarchy (that’s true only to a point of course).
Pork chop fried with a spice mixture, vegetables with cheese sauce, dilute fruit juice.
I got to attend the TLM yesterday, celebrated by Fr. Erik Richstieg of Orthometer fame.
Our third child, Oliver Ambrose, was born last week!
I used the NEW TRANSLATION for the Ordinary of the Mass on Sunday!!!! :-)
Good news: day off of work! :)
Main topic of homily yesterday – backbiting. Causes damage, is hard to undo…like picking up leaves blown away by the wind.
Dinner yesterday: lasagna!
Our EF mass sermon was about the Good Samaritan; our priest reminded us that we are that person.
Next book on my read-list is The End of the Present World; a favorite of St. Therese.
Supper yesterday was steak and fries for my husband, and grilled salmon and mashed for me! (He doesn’t like seafood, go figure!)
My diocese has a large incoming class of seminarians, and a record number of men in formation. There are about as many in formation as there are current priests in the diocese. The new bishop’s emphasis on vocations is really paying off!
The homily yesterday was somewhat disorganized, but entertaining, which is still an improvement.
Dinner included a recipe from lemon risotto with summer squash. Very nice, with a fresh bagette from Whole Foods, and a light white wine from Languedoc.
It was not really the best week for Sunday homilies here, either the EF one or the OF one. However Jesus was at both Masses, the Truth was there in person, this is the good news. I asked my pastor to celebrate a Mass for the mission of the Society of St Vincent de Paul and especially our parish conference, on that Saint’s feast day, the 27th, he agreed happily.
Taste of Madison weekend on Capitol Square, numerous booths from different restaurants letting you sample different dishes. Smoked whitefish and watercress gyro $2/5 in the pouring rain Sat night from a seller very eager to go home. On Sunday, Mango curry $4, Gazpacho $1, Plaintain and garlic empanada with homemade creamy cilantro sauce $2. These were all pretty good. In the evening I made a product which was not bad called “Mandarin Orange Crispy Chick’n” (“I’m meat free”) with steamed broccoli and bakery bread. I had a strawberry shortcake ice cream bar and hostess “zingers” cakes. The Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross is coming up quickly and my eating will get more ascetic from there till Easter.
I really wish I could have heard and understood the sermon but we had a Philipino priest who has a heavy accent and I have a severe hearing loss but we had a great dinner; a pork loin roast, with a mixed squash/tomato/onion/herb stirfry topped with cheddar, hot homade rolls.
For the feast of St. Gregory the Great I went to a Latin Mass. It was my first one in the OF. I already knew most of the responses and could follow along without the handbook provided. And needless to day, Mass was Mass. The roof didn’t collapse, nor did everyone in attendance spontaneously become rad-trads. God was glorified, and all in attendance grew a bit closer to Him.
Also, my first Latin quiz went better than expected. I just hope my Greek quiz will go just as well.
Sunday homily: the celebrant expanded upon the meaning of “where two or more are gathered in my name…” this presence is mainly sacramental, and the Eucharist being the heart of the life of the priest.
Sunday supper: I can’t even pronounce half those bacon- recipes Father suggested, let alone describe what they are. So I had a bacon cheeseburger with fries for dinner. I regret nothing.
Good news: Everyone we have met in our new city, co-workers, neighbors, fellow homeschoolers, has uniformly been kind and friendly.
Homily: High Mass at a church in a fairly rough neighborhood. Fr noted how hard it is to follow the example of the Good Samaritan–in his case people come to the rectory door throughout the day needing help. Some really need help, some are addicts, we need to use judgement on who to help–and that is not easy.
Dinner–interesting to see all the pork dinners! Us too. We had beanie-weenie on paper plates due to broken water heater. All getting tired of pretending we’re camping during the cold showers, so additional good news is that our water heater was replaced this morning (Monday). Washer and dryer coming tomorrow, giving wife hope that she’s seen the last of the laundromat.
Good news: I was able to go to daily Mass this morning since I didn’t have to work.
Sunday’s homily: Father talked about how a sin affects everyone.
Sunday dinner: grilled brats (locally made at German-style sausage factory), creamy lime potatoes, Caprese salad, tasty merlot
Sunday’s sermon was given by a good friend who was recently ordained to the diaconate, and was instrumental in my wife coming into the church. He spoke about the gospel, and that although it is easy for us to understand the position of the person who is doing the correcting in charity, it is much harder for us to self aware when we are the one being corrected, and to be mindful as the psalm said “if today you hear his voice, harden not your heart” as God may be speaking to you through the friend correcting you.
Good news & dinner: I had a nice barbecue in the backyard with my wife, her parents and sister. I grilled Tri-Tip, and we had grilled corn, baked beans, garlic bread, macaroni salad and vegetable tray.
Loved our homily on the Good Samaritan. The man who is robbed and wounded and half dead is Adam ‘going out of Jerusalem’ (i.e. paradise). The Good Samaritan is Jesus Christ who tends his wounds with ‘wine’ and ‘oil’ and puts Adam in the Inn (the Church). Jesus is called the Samaritan, of course, for that was a name of great scorn. Jesus leaves Adam in the care of ‘the innkeeper’ and he will repay any expense for ‘our care’. Farewell Canon Huberfeld, I will miss your homilies and may they kindle other hearts in your new home.
Great news! Bishop Lennon of the Cleveland Diocese has permitted us to use the music settings from the new translation (Mass of St. Paul the Apostle) as of September 15, so that we will be able to sing well for Advent and Christmas!
Insight from the sermon: When we offer brotherly correction to others, we should be willing to offer them the assistance they need to get to where they should be.
Bishop Murry of the Youngstown Ohio diocese asked priests to preach about the upcoming New Translation. Our pastor did a nice job explaining to everyone that the new translation would be different but more precise and more beautiful.
He also explained how the original English translations in the 60’s and 70’s were rushed through and lost a great deal of the message the words of the Mass are trying to convey in the original Latin.
Of course our N.O. parish trends conservative anyway so I think the new translation will be well received in a couple of months.
Husband has finally ‘seen the light’ on changing his diet. He has lost 20 pounds, looks and feels great. His daily insulin shots have reduced to every 3 or so days, and at a much smaller dose. He cut out meat completely for the last few weeks, cheese, cookies, diet sodas, potatoes/starches/carbs/breads, and mayonnaise [oils, fats]. Eating more vegetables. He has been cooking beans happily everrrrrrry day. That’s all he eats, with a little bit of variety once in a while. A bag of frozen beans with onion, garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil or a spoon of grass-fed [nonhydrogented] lard, maybe a few dried spices. Boils for 15 minutes. And they are pretty durn good, amazingly. The grocery bill is reduced to about a fourth of what it was.
Me? I’m sick of beans. Almost suicidal. LOL.
Sunday’s sermon at the EF reminded us that the Good Samaritan represents Jesus Christ, and the oil and wine represent graces. We are the half-dead travelers due to sin and we need God’s help. Be better neighbors, go do something for somebody [Go, and do likewise].
dinner: Smith Melt with Turkey, Provolone and Pepperjack
Homily: Fr T discussed how to deal with our culture in the sense of helping those around us who we see sinning. He also discussed how this related to moral relativism.
good news: My parish book of chant is in the mail, I’m loving my last year of college so far, and I’m singing in six choirs this semester… lovin’ life!
What about Mass today? Bishop Piche spoke of Mother Teresa and how she saw Christ in so many, so brought Christ to them. Such a beautiful Mass!
Our associate pastor preached about how twice he had been corrected in charity: once while living with his fiancee before he was a priest, and once while developing a drinking problem during seminary (his 4-year anniversary of sobriety will be this week). My family is new to the parish, so I am not sure if all of this information was of common knowledge to everyone else, but I thought it was courageous of him to share.
My husband thought he should have added an example of charitable correction NOT having an impact, to emphasize that you need to do it anyway, but I think people are much likely to do so if they are confident that it might have a positive effect.
Pizza Hut for dinner!
Good news? We have an ordination coming up on September 14th – the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Usually ordinations are on the Saturday before Pentecost, but this one is a rare, “mid-year” ordination. Anyone in the Detroit area who is available, please consider heading to Blessed Sacrament Cathedral for the 4:00pm Mass. More ordinations to come in the spring.
It is not yet on the Archdiocese of Detroit website or Michigan Catholic yet, that I can see, but here was a Facebook announcement:!/photo.php?fbid=237275216294526&set=a.113927655295950.11891.113900485298667&type=1
Full link on Facebook announcement for Sept 14 ordination in Detroit should probably be copied and pasted to get right to the post. If you click the live link you will need to scroll down to find it.
Yesterday my husband and I celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary, thanks be to God!
On September 11, six members of the Secular Discalced Carmelite Group in Charlotte will be making their First Promise. We are blessed to have a most excellent diocesan priest as our Spiritual Assistant.
The homily at our parish was not noteworthy.
Our pastor also reminded us of charitable correction. He did emphasize that it’s not as easy as it seems, and advised us to pray for the right words.
Summer is coming to an end… kids are going back to school tomorrow here in BC. This is my non-instructional term at college, and besides preparing a new course for the spring term, I will have some time to do some work around the house (fixing the deck, staining a fence, washing and painting gutters and siding… ambitious!)
Sunday supper: the in-laws dropped by, so I grilled chicken breasts and some veggies (zucchini, red onions, mushrooms and tomatoes). I made my signature sauteed mushroom sauce au vin blanc, but only my father-in-law and I had some. The ladies are on an anti-butter mood these days. Next time, I will saute the mushrooms on bacon fat!
I had a surprising “revelation” sitting in the front pew at Mass. I realized why I prefer the EF to the OF. I realized that the Mass is supposed to be a Sacrifice, not a supper, and that the priest should face Our Lord on the main altar rather that having a “communial feast” round the “table.” I never learned this in the RCIA back in ’93. Just to let you know.
Here in Australia, last Sunday was Fathers’ Day. We have recently moved to the Parish of the Sacred Heart at Pymble in Sydney ( Broken Bay Diocese alas!). After thoroughly treating the Readings and the issue of fraternal correction, our young Polish curate spoke thoughtfully of the need for men especially, in our society, to live Godly lives and to give spiritual leadership in the family as fathers. It was refreshing and very sound stuff. God Bless Father Marius!Amd you too Father Z and your very significant apostolate!
I had the opportunity for needed rest this weekend.
My wife and I had an honest-to-God date night Friday – the first in a while.
Talked with our pastor about the new translation and other planning.
Choir season starts this week.
Good news: a good friend got married. It Mass was OF, but the first ad orientem OF mass I’ve been to in the US. Also, I was asked to serve the Mass. It was wonderful.
Sunday’s homily explored fraternal correction specifically when we are the one who was hurt. How it is easier to ignore and possibly give up on the person if they don’t acknowledge an offense against us, but that we must be willing to initiate reconciliation by honest and loving discussion when the offender does not do so.
I planned on a quiet 80th birthday with the two daughters and grandson with whom I live. Two of my sons surprised me by flying in from CA to TX on Saturday. On Sunday after Mass I came home to a decorated house, and in addition to those mentioned, two couples, great friends from Church were here. There was a spread and cake, too. Phone calls and emails from kids and grandkids topped the day with a good dinner out at the Cracker Barrel, with good old fashioned Texas home cooking. The two boys are here until Tuesday and have been fixing, sprucing up the outside, etc., etc. God has blessed me.
After giving up once again on one of my does, Dorothy, (of Lamour not Oz),and removing the nest box maybe a bit early, on day 32, at 6PM she is furiously pulling fur from her chest. I more furiously-er replaced the nest box, and at 9:30 PM we have seven Silver Fox-Champagne d’Argent crosses.
And this evening, rabbit for dinner, with potatoes and tomatoes from the garden.
I got a good bit of inside painting done over the long weekend
Our priest preached on God’s love and mercy in establishing the sacrament of Confession.
Instead of a homily from the priest, we had a letter from the Bishop about the new translation. He seemed to be in favour of it.
My bishop is hostile to the Old Rite, but has written before about the importance of saying Mass correctly, using the words and rubrics as given and following the GIRM. However he did commission, and instruct parishes to use, a Mass setting from Paul Inwood, which is hard to forgive.
No. Well nothing good as far as liturgical developments at our parish/diocese. Same old garbage. But my health if pretty good even though the years are piling up and I pretty much finished the deck that I have been working on all summer. My wife still puts up with me but my “moved away from home” kids have my phone number and so my bank account ain’t so good. I’ve been saying the “Seven Sorrows of Mary Chaplet” and the final prayer at the end of each chaplet is “My Mother, share thy grief with me and let me bear thee company to mourn thy Jesus’ death with thee” and so she has been doing that but if I keep that in mind what she went through I can stand a little melancholy.
Found out the schedule for our transition to the new translation — start practicing it when choir practice starts, start using the translation in October. Sweet! I’m also going to see Scott Hahn speak in a couple of days, over at another parish.
Ok, since I wimped out on Sunday’s supper and didn’t make any, but went all out tonight, I’ll share what I made tonight.
I tried out a new recipe with the most random ingredients- orange marmalade, dry onion soup mix, thousand island salad dressing and chicken. Colour me skeptical that it might actual taste good.
I made Polynesian Chicken, with a mixed rice medley I found at Costco, and a delicious salad out of the garden vegetables I brought from home and dressed it with my homemade secret vinaigrette dressing. I topped it off with a glass of red wine and some Gregorian Chant and polyphany in surround sound. Maybe it’s the wine, but I am so relaxed right now that not even my landlord’s toddler’s tantrum upstairs is bothering me.
Sadly I had to eat that wonderful meal all alone, as I don’t really know anyone here yet. The joys of moving to a new city. But I have an entire dutch oven and rice cooker full of leftovers, so I won’t have to cook now for the rest of the week. That’s kinda a good thing.
My wife made contact with long lost cousins.
Here is a link to their place.
Daughter and grandkids in New Orleans safe from Tropical Storm Lee.
Our pastor told the story of a man, who in 1943, was crushed under a one-ton engine when a crane broke. Both legs and all ribs broken, crushed pelvis, massive internal injuries. The docs opened him up, decided they couldn’t save him, sewed him back up and put him in a hospital room. Some days later he told his wife that Jesus and St. Rocco (patron of his boyhood parish) came to him and told him he would live, that he was being healed right then. Well, he did live and in thanksgiving he donated a statue of St. Rocco to his parish at that time — now our parish! (St. Anne, San Diego — all-Latin, all-the-time). The statue has been there for years but I haven’t had a chance to ask Father how he learned its history.
I am here (on my own alas) on a working pilgrimage to EWTN in Alabama. I spent last evening and almost all day at my brother’s house in Georgia, and Sunday morning at The Shrine of The Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville. I am hoping to find some answers here, as well as look behind the curtain, so to speak.
I have good news! Today I found out that I won a draw to get my wedding ring for free! ^_^ That made my day.
Good news: a. Spent a very relaxing week — before the onslaught of the academic year — at Encampment Forest (Minn.), six miles west of C a-a-a-s-t-l-l-l-e D-a-a-n-g-e-r-r-r-r – with kind, generous and interesting friends. b. Had an article accepted for publication in Slovo, the journal of the Old Slavic Institute in Zagreb. c. My brother is weathering his chemotherapy well (all random prayers for him would be appreciated).
Sermon highlights on Sunday: Fr L—– spoke quite eloquently of how humility is required of all of us to participate in the Mass, of how neither he nor the congregants can add “stuff” to the Mass of the ages.
Dinner: My daughter and wife made an exellent herbed wild-rice casserole, while I made a spicey version of jumbo shrimp over hot coals on the grill, in honour of hard working labourers.
There will be a Solemn High Mass in the EF form at St. Patrick Church in Glen Cove, NY (Long Island). The Canons Regular of St. Augustine will offer this Mass –
On the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary, September 12, 2011, at 7:30 pm, the Canonry of Saint Leopold will offer a Solemn High Mass to honor Our Lady and to commemorate the 328th anniversary of the victory of the Austrian Imperial forces over the Ottomans at the Battle of Vienna on the slopes of the Kahlenberg.
The Kahlenberg (Bald Mountain) and its environs are the home to parishes and vineyards belonging to Stift Klosterneubur…g. During the Siege of Vienna in 1683, two Canons of Klosterneuburg played important roles: a Laybrother (Chorfrater) named Marzellin Ortner rallied the townsfolk to defend the Abbey and the town of Klosterneuburg; a priest, Dom Wilhelm Lebshaft, served as chaplain to the town’s militia. Keeping Klosterneuburg free aided in the Liberation of Vienna, which was made possible to a large extent thanks to the troops of the King of Poland, Jan III Sobieski, hailed by the Pope as the Savior of Christendom in Europe.
The Solemn High Mass will be celebrated in the Extraordinary Form. The Prior, the Very Rev’d Dom Daniel Nash, will serve as priest, the Rev’d Fr. Matthew Kauth, as deacon, and the Very Rev’d Dom Elias Carr, as subdeacon. With appropriate ceremonies and fitting music, the liturgy should offer worthy worship to Holy Trinity.
Y’all didn’t tell me that BBC 4 broadcast a Mass with the new translation, on their “Sunday Worship” show, but they did. And we can all “listen again” until next Sunday.
[And the lectrix at about 9:05 is the very echo of Mrs. Marion Cotesworth-Haye of Marblehead.]
Good news: I had a job interview Friday. A friend’s granddaughter was baptized Saturday.
I Taught My Mom’s Business Partner A Little Catechism!
I did not hear the sermon firsthand, as we were at another parish this past Sunday. However, our wonderful, young priest spoke about the need to admonish and pray for the conversion of those who espouse things like women “priests”, same sex “marriage”, abortion, etc.. Spontaneously, one delighted parishioner yelled out “Yes!” and then began to clap. The applause spread and Father had to wait to finish. As much as I deplore applause in church, one must consider that in this parish there is a shrinking yet still very influencial group of people who hate to see or hear anything reverent or orthodox come from the Sanctuary. Brick-by-brick!
Sunday supper was simple yet perfect in so many ways: pierogi from an old-school Polish meat/bake shop followed by my wife’s pineapple upside-down cake.
The good news is that the new translation of the Mass was implemented at the parish I attend here in South Wales this weekend, without fuss, faithfully and with good humour.
Not so much great news in my personal life at the moment (prayers appreciated!).
But I did hear a really good homily in praise of the new, corrected translation of the Mass (the priest began by explaining that while the homily should normally be based on the scripture readings, it could also be used for other important matters and catechesis). He spoke of the great richness and beauty of the English language and how the new translation brings it out. He described the language as far more sacral, elegant, and appealing. He had everybody follow along in the missal while he read from the new translation so that we could hear the difference between the two. It was really great!
It’s raining in San Diego. Thanks be to God.
Got to see my much loved son for ten days. He came to help me in the B and B were I am volunteering for the summer, as I had a major accident with a cupboard. D0n’t laugh too hard. Many injuries…It fell on me. However, the good news is I shall survive to see another day and not be paralyzed! Also, the community here is taking to the New Mass quite well, with the little cards issued by Redemptorist Press under the guidance of Crispian Hollis, Bishop. Most people are managing to follow, and no one has questioned the “for the many”, which I thought would create discussion in such an ecumenical setting….