I recently had occasion to think again about the cuillère à sauce individuelle. I have written about this great tool several times, including here and here.
I found a description of its origin! The French is pretty straight forward…
Lancée en 1950 par le Restaurant Lasserre à Paris, la cuiller à sauce individuelle permet de déguster la sauce dans une assiette plate sans manger de pain.
Créé en 1933 ce modèle de style Art Déco a été présenté à l’Exposition internationale des arts et techniques de Paris en 193 Les pans coupés, les angles et les lignes architecturées réinterprètent avec élégance les années 30.
And there you have it.
It seems the notch is just for fun after all.
I thought it was much older.
“sans manger de pain”
Sounds perfect for those on the Atkins Diet. Where’s Jimmy Akin?
Au contraire, mon ami!!
“A French sauce spoon or saucier spoon is a spoon that is typically the size and shape of a dessert spoon, but with a flattened bowl that has a thinner edge and a small notch on one side. As the name suggests, a French sauce spoon is used to eat the sauce accompanying a dish. The spoon’s flattened bowl and thin edge aids scooping a thin layer of sauce from a plate without resorting to tipping the plate; the notch in the bowl allows oil or fat to drain away from the sauce.
Originally found mainly in France, French sauce spoons are becoming increasingly popular in high-end restaurants elsewhere.
French sauce spoons are sometimes referred to simply as “sauce spoons,” but note that that term can also be used to refer to a spoon used to serve sauce.”