And so we begin another trip. New author, too!
I wonder if he will hold even a candle to Patrick O’Brian. I hope he ain’t a slubberdegullion or a blatteroon.
Time for the next leg.
This is starting out to be pretty strange.
I am glad that’s over. The woman next to me was so bizarre, so irritating, so … ugh… that the flight crew was apologizing to me by the time we were on the ground.
But my bag arrived right away and my ride is nearby and I am neither too tired nor too hungry.
All in all…
Hopefully he knows what to do with his starboard gambrils, in sailing by and large.
Have you ever sailed a boat yourself or been sailing, Father Z?
It pleases the gentleman to be jocular!
acardnal: Yes, indeed. Though I am by no stretch a master or commander. More a landsman, really.
My own very limited experience with sailing began in Toronto harbor. My boss took us out (about a dozen of us) on a 34 footer. Nice boat. But when he abandoned the helm to play host, and the boat tried to do a pirouette, I figured I could do not worse. ;) And at least I was focused.
I love sailing, but have not done so for years. There are fantastically beautiful lakes in Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota, where a Midwesterner can sail.
I miss it.
When I was younger I helped sail a few boats in Halifax harbour. A few times we went out into the atlantic ocean, which was thrilling. One of Patrick O’ Brian’s books has scenes in Halifax but I can’t remember which one?
Fr. Z, where are you headed now?
I met that lady on her outbound journey last week. Sorry you had her for the homecoming. How’s her son’s Reiki practice coming? And did she convince her sister to get the blonde tips like she was hoping?
“The woman next to me was so bizarre, so irritating, so … ugh… that the flight was apologizing to me by the time we were on the ground.”
You must be on pilgrimage, Father. ;-)
Father, Will you let us know how you like the new book. I read the entire Aubry/Maturin series, then the Hornblower series (not as good, nor near as many volumes). I just re-read Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but could get into a series for the summer. Enjoy your long weekend.
Micah Mattix’s Prufrock just linked to a Barnes and Noble review about “A Book of Voyages”, apparently newly published in the U.S.; it’s described as a series of excerpts from the sources O’Brien used in his books. I haven’t read it and it might be old news here, but thought I’d mention it.
Fr. Z said: “The woman next to me was so bizarre, so irritating, so … ugh… that the flight was apologizing to me by the time we were on the ground.”
Therese commented: You must be on pilgrimage, Father. ;-)
Exactly! LOL. You tend to run into some of the nuttiest people on pilgrimages and when you go for a peaceful stay at a monastery.
A priest told me that he often travels incognito, because when these bizarr, annoying and sometimes even scary persons see that they have a priest in the seat next to them, they begin to pester the poor clergyman.
Offer it up, Father
That “ugh” lady may have been a saint in disguise to test your patience and charity to a fellow human being.
You are always in my prayers.
My comment doesn’t have anything to do with boats, but since Sicily is an island, I “might” be able to thinly relate this to the topic…
Did anyone happen to hear Pope Francis’ Angelus address this morning? Hear it and understand the Italian, that is? I woke up for the morning as the Holy Father was beginning the Angelus prayer itself and then I tried to listen to his Angelus address. Being still half asleep and nowhere near fluent in Italian, I don’t know if I heard him say what I thought I did.
I think that the Holy Father mentioned the beatification in Palermo of Fr. Giuseppe Puglisi. But then, it looked like the Holy Father went “off-script” from his address and I thought for sure that I heard the Holy Father himself personally denounce the mafia and their crimes. I even thought I heard him denounce such specific mafia crimes as prostitution. If I heard and understood the Holy Father correctly (and that’s a definite “if”, believe me) then I’m kind of blown away by how strongly and clearly he called them out. I know other Popes have done it from time to time. I think Pope John Paul II did, but it isn’t something you hear everyday. And from a Pope who likes to walk around among the people with less security. He’s really quite strong and courageous in his denouncement of evil. He has no tolerance for it. I love that about him!
OrthodoxChick,, according to Vatican Radio, he said:
“Following the recitation of the Angelus the Pope remembered Father Giuseppe Puglisi, Priest and Martyr who was Beatified on Saturday.
Blessed Giuseppe who was killed by the Mafia in 1993 was described by Pope Francis as an exemplary priest and a man devoted especially to youth ministry.
The Holy Father, speaking in Italian, went on to say that he thinks about the “sorrows of men and women, even children, who are exploited by many kinds of mafias, who make them do a job that makes them slaves, like prostitution, with so many social pressures. He then prayed that the Lord would convert the hearts of these people.
Text from page of the Vatican Radio website
Was the woman’s behavior a reaction to the clerical collar?
“…the flight crew was apologizing to me by the time we were on the ground…
Apologetic enough to offer you a courtesy upgrade to first class?
…$100 coupon for a future flight?
…free drinks?
…2nd bag of peanuts (processed on machinery that processes peanuts)?
…partial indulgence?
Bruce, the Aubrey/Maturin with scenes from Halifax is The Surgeon’s Mate, which I am reading right now (or was until I interrupted it to read Russell Shaw’s American Church).
I agree with the earlier post that mentioned Hornblower. I read that series starting in High School and really liked it at the time, but it pales in comparison to Patrick O’Brian’s stories.
Pater, How is the book? Always looking for good naval fiction. And if you see Father Barone on this trip send my regards, please.
“I hope he ain’t a slubberdegullion or a blatteroon.”
Dang…there he goes with the blasted Latin again.