It’s time again to break out that old fav:
The Nuns on the bus go ’round and ’round!
The last time these dissenters got on their political … hobbyhorse, they went ’round and ’round with a wymynpryst. HERE
This time they are going ’round and ’round with a pro-abortion congresswoman.
Joining the BusNuns this time is ol’ Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) who has a perfect pro-abortion record. She is rated 100% by NARAL. What a distinction!
These Nuns keep some odd company, don’t they?
But maybe we shouldn’t read too much into that perfect pro-abortion record.
Since DeLauro, one of the wealthiest members of Congress, was apparently into the hipster look for a while, I am guessing that she is along for the ride to give the BusNuns some fashion and makeup tips.
Rosa doing her best Voris imitation…
Talk about diabolic disorientation! Obviously they have no fear of God – so convinced are they of their righteousness and virtue. This gang is also pushing for amnesty for 30 million people (the real number!) who have criminally invaded a sovereign country knowing full well they will vote for the party of death. God have mercy on them and our country.
I’d love to know who is footing the bill for this lunacy. The bus spewing noxious fumes as well as those onboard.
Aye Carumba! I’ve seen better looking schnozzolas in ‘Raging Bull’! The hipster is a dipster in my book.
I think she was caught up in a vortex a some years ago.
Watching some of her pro-abortion speeches on the House floor on C-SPAN is very scary!
“Children, sing after me: Ring- a-ring o’ roses, a pocketfull of posies, a’Tishoo, a’Tishoo, we all fall down.”
These scary people should be avoided like the plague.
She actually looks like Voris… If Voris wore glasses and was a cross dresser. Blegh.
Now they are going around regarding immigration.
This is what I mean when I say the Church is too political. People read about them in the regular news, the only “nuns” they have read references to in years, and why are they in the news? Politics.
If the Bishops weren’t so invasive in politics, maybe the Sisters would think that they should be praying or performing works of mercy, but no, they just don’t want the Bishops having all of the spotlight.
And the company they keep is atrocious, but these are “our” Catholic elected officials, so….
Le sigh…
They were here in NJ yesterday in Camden. For those of you that don’t know, Camden is a really, really, really tough place. It’s in southwestern NJ, right across the river from Philadelphia. The poverty is staggering. The crime is off the hook.
I have a friend from grammar school that runs a Catholic charter school in Camden, and she has witnessed horrible things in the 10 years or so that she’s lived there. She’s all about the “social justice” and was so happy that the NOTB were coming yesterday. She posted all kinds of pics and such on Facebook.
She is one of those “well meaning” Catholics, for sure. Not a hint of anything nefarious, but just so misguided. I didn’t have the desire or courage to burst her bubble with the posts on Facebook yesterday. Lame, I know. I was thinking of sending her an email.
no doubt “in good standing”.
Jean Marie said ” This gang is also pushing for amnesty for 30 million people (the real number!) who have criminally invaded a sovereign country knowing full well they will vote for the party of death.”
Are you bringing the USCCB into this?
The Nuns on the Bus are stopping here in Orlando Sunday June 2 @ 7:30 pm at Orlando’s Diocesan Vicar General’s parish (Fr Richard Walsh, St Margaret Mary in Winter Park) and at Sr Ann Kendrick’s farm worker Hope CommUnity Center in Apopka Monday June 3 @ 4 pm. The Sunday stop at the Vicar General’s parish is scheduled for the same time that the Bishop (Bishop Noonan) will be in downtown Orlando doing the Corpus Christi Procession.
For two days I have called and emailed the Chancery, the Florida Catholic, The Orlando Sentinel, various priests and deacons and have received no answer from any of them as to whether or not the Bishop is aware of the Nuns on the Bus’ two scheduled stops here. One clueless secretary even said, “Maybe they’re just stopping in Orlando unannounced and Fr Walsh isn’t aware of it.” Well, it’s in his bulletin!! so he’s well aware of it.
Last year I emailed the Bishop’s office to alert him that Sr Ann Kendrick had made a speech to the Communist Youth League when they stopped in Orlando on their bus tour, but of course heard no answer.
Several years ago Chicago’s Call to Action co-founders Bob Heineman and ex-priest Robert McClory were in Orlando at Fr Richard Walsh’s St Margaret Mary’s and Sr Ann Kendrick, two other farm worker nuns, 2 or 3 other nuns, several ex-priests and various parishioners had a clandestine CTA meeting (at which they elected ME secretary since I was inadvertently sent an “invitation”…later Bob Heineman kept calling my house and wanted to know why Orlando had had no further CTA meetings). Thankfully CTA never got off the ground in Orlando, but Sr Ann Kendrick and Fr Richard Walsh continue to undermine the Catholic faith of the people.
A group of us alerted the Bishop about the Call to Action meeting, but of course no one paid any attention so now Fr Richard Walsh is the Vicar General and Sr Ann Kendrick has been awarded 2 $100,000 grants from the Orlando Magic for the “good works” she does.
Now we have the Nuns on the Bus. I am planning to take a cam corder to the meeting although I understand that no pictures/recording is allowed. We shall see. I have 2 choices – go to the meeting (I registered under a fake name) and try to take pictures or stand outside alone with a sign that says Nuts on the Bus or something and record myself being arrested and thrown into jail. Not to worry… a deacon friend said he’d bail me out.
Wanda…….they’ve got to be funded by George Soros, just like every other “Catholic” group is that promotes abortion, gay marriage, euthanasia etc.
Susan M: Your plan sounds very intriguing :-) . Please keep us posted. BTW, those nuns should do what their watchword says – they should just stay on the bus and not go outside.
Come on APX, Voris is better looking, much better hair and the pencil thing is not even close.
The Diocese of El Paso Office of Youth and Young Adult ministry, is promoting the Nuns on the Bus visit to the St. Pius X Community Center on Monday, June 10. It’s amazing that the Diocese of El Paso is taking such an active part in bringing in these dissenters…..especially since these “nuns” will try to sow seeds of dissent and confusion amongst young Catholics in El Paso.
I’m sure the new bishop of El Paso, Bishop Mark Seitz (who hasn’t been installed as bishop of El Paso yet), doesn’t even know about this event.
Hopefully, someone can let Fr. Michael Rodriguez, and his supporters, know about this event. We need a truly Catholic counter-protest to greet the “Nuts on the Bus” when they came to El Paso.
Pingback: Catholic nuns grateful for pro-abortion congresswoman's "admiration" - Jill Stanek
Here’s a follow up to the Nuns on the Bus Orlando stop last weekend: I sent the following email/letter to several diocesan officials, priests, Archbishop Wenski of Miami, Fr. Walsh, Sr Ann Kendrick, the Catholic Media Coalition (who will then in turn send it to their various groups I hope) and so forth (haven’t finished sending it out…still have Rome, the Pope, etc). Friends in Orlando have been blogging and using Twitter to complain to the bishop. This afternoon I heard from a source that there was “fallout at the chancery”, so we will keep the pressure on until the Bishop makes a statement.
Below is the email which has a link to the NOTB at SMM. The audio doesn’t begin until 4.25 …she forgot to turn it on but did so just in time for Sr Simone Campbell’s talk. The next morning at Daniel Webster’s office Sr Simone tried to push the young mother who took the video out of the public elevator! (Wish I had been there and she had done that to me. I’d be in a lawyer’s office suing her for assault.) Here’s the email:
“Despite the Vatican’s recent reprimand for serious doctrinal problems (abortion, human sexuality, women’s ordination), the Leadership Conference of Women Religious’ NetWork, Sr Simone Campbell and Nuns on the Bus (NOTB) were allowed in the Catholic Diocese of Orlando by Bishop John Noonan.
The Orlando Diocesan Vicar General, Fr Richard Walsh, welcomed Sr Simone and NOTB to his parish of St Margaret Mary in Winter Park on Sunday June 2nd at 7:30 pm. On June 3rd at 4 pm the Diocese hosted Sr Simone and NOTB at the Diocesan Farm Worker Ministry’s Hope CommUnity Center in Apopka which is run by Sr Ann Kendrick.
The seven Bishops of Florida, Sr Simone Campbell, NOTB, Fr Walsh and Sr Ann Kendrick should know that the Catholic Church is not a political party. It is a defender of the moral law. Therefore, they should uphold the moral teachings which Christ has entrusted to His Church for safekeeping through the Pope and the Magisterium.
The bishops should be oriented to specific issues to determine and support those that are in accord with God’s divine law, and permit flexibility of choice to the laity whenever the issues are primarily secular rather than divinely mandated. This is entirely consistent with Christ’s mandate to “Render to Caesar (the world) the things that are Caesar’s and render to God that things that are God’s.”
The things that are God’s are non-negotiable – abortion, homosexuality and same-sex “marriage”, embryonic stem cell research, cloning, infanticide, euthanasia. One must preserve God’s Law by always opposing these sins.
The things that are Caesar’s, or worldly things, are negotiable and a person may legitimately be for or against them – capital punishment, the economy and jobs, health-care and housing, war, the environment and immigration, therefore the bishops should not intimidate parishioners by bulletin inserts proclaiming what is in fact their personal opinion.
The bishops should be cautious in overstepping their duties by engaging too aggressively in political actions involving worldly things which provide physical nourishment for the body rather than spiritual nourishment for the soul. The clergy should be teachers of the moral law to the laity, rather than be political activists themselves.
Sr Simone and the NOTB uphold that Mexico, the United States and Canada be without borders. They affirm that same-sex “marriage” and abortion should be a right, and that women should be allowed to become priests. Allowing Sr Simone Campbell and NOTB into the diocese indicates Bishop Noonan’s approval of their teachings and agenda which is the very reason for their rebuke by the Vatican.
Below is a link of NOTB at St Margaret Mary in Winter Park, with a few segments of NOTB at Daniel Webster’s office on Monday morning. The audio begins at 4:25. Unfortunately there is no video of Sr Simone trying to push the videographer, a young mother of four sons, out of the public elevator at Daniel Webster’s office.”
Susan Matthiesen