Tag Archives: Institute of Christ the King

Hilarious statement from the Archdiocese of Chicago about the suppression of the Institute of Christ the King

ABC7 Chicago has a blurb about the Institute of Christ the King’s Shrine on the South side.  This is hilarious. “On July 31, the Shrine of Christ the King communicated to the archdiocese that they would stop offering Mass and … Read More

Posted in B as in B. S as in S., SESSIUNCULA, The Drill, Traditionis custodes | Tagged ,

ACTION ITEM: Prayer to avert a serious act of persecution – UPDATED

UPDATE 15 July: It seems that, again, there are those who cannot keep things to themselves.  I had hoped to build a prayerful barrage regarding this really bad news, in the hope that, perhaps, there were still some chances that, … Read More

Posted in ACTION ITEM!, GO TO CONFESSION, Hard-Identity Catholicism, Liberals, New catholic Red Guards, The Coming Storm, The future and our choices, The Last Acceptable Prejudice, Traditionis custodes | Tagged ,

A man you readers helped has been ordained to the priesthood!

Here’s something to make your day a little brighter. Do you long term readers remember helping an American seminarian, then deacon, for the Institute of Christ the King raise money to pay for his seminary formation?  (Yes, most of the … Read More

Posted in Just Too Cool, Linking Back, Mail from priests | Tagged

VIDEO: 2019 Ordinations of the Institute of Christ the King in Florence

Check out this video from the Institute of Christ the King. They have an overview of their “ordination week” with snippets of tonsure through ordination to the priesthood.       You get the impression that they take these things … Read More

Posted in Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Our Catholic Identity | Tagged ,

ACTION ITEM! Help a traditional deacon get to priesthood. Watch marvelous Fulton Sheen video of 1950 Roman Holy Year

Back in April, I wrote about a seminarian in a traditional group, the Institute of Christ the King, who had posted a video about wartime Vatican City, 1941, narrated by Fulton Sheen.  This seminarian, now ordained to the diaconate, was … Read More

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Years ago I heard an old bishop growl, “Meno chiacchiere – più processioni. … Less jabbering – more processions.” This, my friends, is an officially BADASS CATHOLIC PHOTO. A procession in honor of St. Joseph in Detroit. ¡Hagan lío! UPDATE: … Read More

Posted in ¡Hagan lío!, Just Too Cool | Tagged ,

Beautiful video about the Traditional Latin Mass. Wherein Fr. Z rants.

I was given a link to a video about Holy Mass in the traditional Roman Rite made at the oratory of the Institute of Christ the King in San Jose, CA. It is interesting to view this video immediately after … Read More

Posted in Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Wherein Fr. Z Rants | Tagged , , , , , ,

VIDEO: Beautiful restoration of a church in Milwaukee – St. Stanislaus

My friend Canon Benoit Jayr, stationed in Milwaukee, sent me the link to a video of the restoration of St. Stanislaus Oratory.  Kudos to everyone who brought that work of charity about.  It is a great contribution to the cause.

Posted in SESSIUNCULA | Tagged ,

ASK FATHER: Canons, Monsignors, and the Institute of Christ the King

From a reader… QUAERITUR: I know that the priests of the Institute of Christ the King nowadays take the title “Canon” and that Monsignors Wach and Schmitz are, well, Monsignors. Recently I have heard a few people independently doubt this, … Read More

Posted in Mail from priests, The Drill | Tagged , , ,

Great video on the “Dome of Home”

Here is a great video about the “Dome of Home”, a large church near Liverpool, England, in the Diocese of Shrewsbury entrusted now to the Institute of Christ the King. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pc9o_TBwqs&feature=player_embedded And please remember to VOTE today.

Posted in SESSIUNCULA | Tagged , , , ,

Encouraging Extraordinary Form News

For your “Brick By Brick” file. My old friend His Excellency Most Rev. Alexander Sample, Bishop by the Grace of God and the Apostolic See of Marquette in Michigan, recently ordained deacons and subdeacons for the Institute of Christ the … Read More

Posted in Brick by Brick, Mail from priests, New Evangelization, Our Catholic Identity, SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM | Tagged , ,